Book matches are good. And the book, held between thumb and forefinger, can help shield the bowl.always done with matchbook.
Book matches are good. And the book, held between thumb and forefinger, can help shield the bowl.always done with matchbook.
Yep! Many small flat bits can be used over the rim. You don't even need to take it off when you take a draw; just release the pressure.Book matches are good. And the book, held between thumb and forefinger, can help shield the bowl.
only functional difference is where they put the red phosphurous and if there is any other difference it is down to the maker alone. And i have stiff winds here and no problems with modern matches.he probably had real matches that don't suck. unlike what we get these days, 'coz FAA or FCC or ATF or some other such nonsense.
Either with the trench lighter shown above, or with one of those waterproof camp matches which burn violently for several seconds.How do you light your hemp in the wind? Even my wife could handle a match in the wind and light her cigarette. She could also start a campfire in the rain. I do miss that girl, rest her soul.
Folks who smoke every day might develop these skills. I smoke on special occasions. And the matches I find at the grocery store are like toothpicks. So, paraphernalia it is.Nothing frantic. Just calmly shield your light and pipe from the wind. Light the item calmly and go about your business. In this manner I don't need to light three items, match/lighter, wick and then pipe. I'm just not seeing the need to mess with a second flame, nothing manly about it. Sheild the pipe, strike a light apply to pipe, toss the match (No storing a wick in one's pocket along with matches.) and then ... go about your business. Much less cumbersome and very easy in my opinion. But, to each his own I suppose. I simply try to keep my smoking simple, uncluttered with unnecessary paraphernalia.
Easy on the snark unless you know the poster. And welcome to the forum. Have you been here before under a different name?Either with the trench lighter shown above, or with one of those waterproof camp matches which burn violently for several seconds.
Once you do that, the thick beeswax wich stays lit and you can be as leisurely as you want to be playing with your pipe.
Or, be a man, and do it frantically with your match. Your choice.
I'm a leisure guy myself.
thanks!My friend, John, has a trench lighter, and uses it to light his pipe sometimes when he’s on the go.
at the end of the day it's about enjoyment whatever gets you there. and unless you stones are so big you can light your pipe with them there isn't any big man bragging rights.I found the answer. Beeswax impregnated hemp wick.
Every shitty match I've tried is too weak and thin and breaks or blows out even when I cup it and shield it.
Going through five or six cheap ass matches just to light a pipe is for the birds.
I salute all you gents with your great lighting skills. Enjoy your man badge. I'll borrow the hippy tech for this one.
That much I've heard. I had just never heard them called that before.The idea was they didn't throw off enough light to give a sniper enough of a profile to take aim at from wherever he was hiding.