Regarding the suggestion for a novice to start with a filter pipe to lessen (but not eliminate?) tongue bite, that might work, anecdotally. I don’t normally use filters, but will do so every so often if the pipe I select takes a filter. Some Missouri Meerschaum-brand corn cob pipes come pre-loaded with a Medico-style 6mm paper filter. I just leave them in for the first several bowlfuls, until soiled then remove and dispose. On a couple of occasions, while in the US, when visiting long-distance family, I found I had forgotten to bring along my pipes and tobaccos. A quick trip to the nearest drugstore to pick up a MM Legend Rob Roy or 5th Avenue cob (with a filter) and something like a pouch of Captain Black. There was subsequently a lot more smoking and puffing than usual, sitting outside on warm summer evenings, socialising and laughing and smoking long into the night. Bowl after bowl. Therefore, more smoking of a drugstore aromatic in a short period of time, but no noticeable tongue bite discomfort the day after, which is contrary to what I expected. Maybe the temporary use of the filter did help? Then again, the filter does impede the draw somewhat, so one accommodates by drawing with a bit more force, no?