I recently received a new shipment of samples that with the exception of the Dark Fired, don't contain burly. I've had one bowl of each and am now working on my second bowl of the Oriental Silk right now. It was easily my favorite of all the samples after just one bowl.
I am not crazy about the Izmir Turkish or the No.84 Oriental Pipe Cut and am unsure about the cigar leaf. There my be some blending potential with these and I may try about straight bowl of the cigar leaf but not the other two.
I also have found that I really enjoy bright leaf. I am really surprised with this discovery, because on paper, its described notes really turn me off. At this moment, it is my favorite unblended tobacco.
I have also found that I do in fact enjoy perique after all. After spending quite a bit of time with burly blends that didn't contain it, I recently revisited Haunted Bookshop which had it in its blend and ended up pitching the rest of my samples that didn't and I just might have to throw a sample of the og OJK into my next order to see how it compares.
What a neat journey!
Cornell & Diehl
Izmir Turkish
Cornell & Diehl
Dark Fired
Cornell & Diehl
Chopped Cigar Leaf
Cornell & Diehl
Red Virginia Ribbon
Cornell & Diehl
Oriental Silk
Cornell & Diehl
Red Virginia Cavendish
Cornell & Diehl
Bright Virginia Ribbon
No.84 Oriental Pipe Cut
Peter Stokkebye
PS400 Luxury Navy Flake