I love the Greek pizzas, pesto instead of tomato sauce, feta added to the mozzarella, and more than three kinds of olives. all of the rest can be whatever as long as it meets those requirements for me.
Pizza's much better.Pizza is like sex. When it's good, it's really damn good, but when it's bad... it's still pretty good.
True for me as well. I'll enjoy a Dominos, a Pizza Hut, a Wal-Mart take and bake - basically anything. Deep dish can be disregarded for me out of hand, as it's not a flat bread - hence, not "pizza." As MSO says, it's casserole. It's good, but pizza it is not.It specifically needs to be called Pizza. That'll do.
Agreed. If you have to tell me it is, it probably isn't. Even MORE annoying is the shop here in town that stylizes their name "Nu Yalk Pizza". UGH.I generally run from advertising or shops that highlight "authentic". Because,seriously, what's authentic?
The NY stores sell their water wholesale by the tanker-load, and stores far away buy it or attempt to re-create it, so there's something to it. It is different, it's more of a textural difference. You can have great pizza without it, and you could probably screw up a pie even if you had it, and everything else that you needed.pipesmokingtom
I've read a lot on this subject, to include some pretty ridiculously thorough double-blind tests (and maybe have conducted a few of my own) and I can't say I'm convinced the dissolved mineral content makes a noticeable difference in the final product. There are some other factors that DO much more noticeably so - the same factors that have vexed me through all my attempts to make a proper pizza at home
I understand there are many that put stock in using water from NYC, but as cooking is science, the science just doesn't support it.The NY stores sell their water wholesale by the tanker-load, and stores far away buy it or attempt to re-create it, so there's something to it. It is different, it's more of a textural difference. You can have great pizza without it, and you could probably screw up a pie even if you had it, and everything else that you needed.