Ok, maybe we need some help staying on track here.
@Briar Lee does that pipe smoke all the way down to the bottom for you?
It did the first dozen or two times I smoked it, but seldom since.
I own close to a hundred Lee Star Grades, and they are mostly in my office, but in all my vehicles, my home, garage, and in both campers at my farm. I’ve lost count.
When I get a Lee I’ll always clean it up and ream it out (unless it’s unsmoked) and then smoke it all the way down a dozen or two times,
until I can’t taste any briar.
Lee oil cured his briar with some kind of sweet oil, so that the briar taste on a new Lee pipe is delicious, but of course I still have to be careful to break them in all the way down, same as common pipes.
After initial break in, I’ll smoke a Lee until it’s down so far it’s no longer as good as it was when first lit, and odds are I can just flick the pipe upside down and the dottle ball falls out in an ashtray. The pipe will be bone dry, and I try to wet a paper towel and twist in in the bowl when it’s still hot, leaving only enough oily carbon build up to say there is just enough cake to say there is some.
I smoke an awful amount of candy flavored aromatics in my Lees.
But I baby my pipes so much, and rotate between them so often, I shouldn’t be able to hurt a single one of them, during my time loving them. After that some other pipe smoker should enjoy them, hopefully as much as I do.
Each one, smokes a little differently.
But there isn’t a bad one in the stash.