I've been trying to translate some of the Dutch written on these paintings. There's two main problems: One, something written in 1633 in
English would be all spelled differently, and Two, it's hard to recognize the letters in Olde English script, especially when they're written with a quill.
Way up this page on the Jan van de Velde (II) – the elderly drunkard - 1633, the best I could do was this:
I am an elderly drunkard, who as a child learnt to ? {swig?}. Also I ? ? with one of my ? So I walk with a cane and a ? ? stench. Totally bent on smoking, totally bent on drinking.
Got that from my mom, who taught French for twenty years and German for eight, who used her knowledge of German syntax and grammar, and gave her best guess as to how it would sound spoken aloud.
Point is, the hell with it. Enjoy the pictures