Pipe usage question

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Hello again everyone. I've been wondering, I only have 3 pipes to rotate through. Is it okay to use the same pipe twice in the same day? I don't always have more than one bowl but sometimes the need is there due to stress and the need for me to get in my zen state with my pipe.
I'm slowly working my way to more pipes, however I'm about to have surgery and then heading into a new job.....again. This one is more pay and less days so I can be home more with my elderly parents I take care of. My father ( the one I blame/thank for making me want to try a pipe) suffers from dementia/Alzheimer's.....it sucks but I've kept him from a nursing home for 8 years so far.
With all this going on I will be able to afford tobacco but the prospects of a new or used pipe to stretch my usage is very slim for the near future. I just want to make sure I won't damage the precious ones I have now by having more than one bowl a day.
Thank you all for any assistance, this really is a great place!



Mar 25, 2014
When I'm on the road I'll smoke the same pipe all day no problem.
One of the main reasons why we like to use a different pipe each bowl throughout the day is because the tobacco tends to taste better in a cool, dry pipe. But that doesn't mean the tobacco will taste bad using the same pipe all day. I understand a pipe requires about a week to dry out properly.
Probably, the real reason we smoke different pipes throughout the week is it justifies having so many to choose from.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
It is amazing that years ago some of our pipe smoking ancestors only had one pipe and would smoke it multiple times a day. My uncle only ever owned one pipe at a time, and I think he packed and smoked his first bowl an hour before he woke up and probably had a bowl after falling asleep. By the way, I never remember seeing him with a pipe cleaner.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Of course you can. Just make sure to clean it well and let it rest for 48 hours.
My father ( the one I blame/thank for making me want to try a pipe) suffers from dementia/Alzheimer's.....it sucks but I've kept him from a nursing home for 8 years so far.
Whenever I read/hear about Alzheimer's I always remember this scene from A Separation (movie):
Simin: He doesn't even know who you are.

Nader: He does not know me but I know that he is my father.
One of the best movie quotes ever.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice. I was just being paranoid.
Ill have to post pictures of my latest acquisition, it was a Missouri Meercham and a pipe humidor with stand. Got it at a antique store for 20 bucks.



Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
You aren't being paranoid. The reality is that many people constantly repeat this nonsense. You can smoke your pipe multiple times a day, but someone eventually will tell you that it is bad. You also don't need to rest it for days. Pipes are made for smoking.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
it was a Missouri Meercham
check that
I post quite often about smoking my MM Diplomat with Plum Forever Stem and whatever tobacco I've chosen.
What many don't know is through the course of a year I smoke that pipe 4 times a day.
Given the pipe is 8 y/o it has been smoked more than 10,000 times
Well, you may smoke your MM at least for 8 years, 4 times a day.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
If your tobacco is not too moist, the chamber will be quite dry when you finish. I take a damp paper towel, twist it, and wipe the ash from it. A pipe cleaner to remove the tars and moisture from the airway, and you're good to go.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Thanks for all the info! It's greatly appreciated.
@Pagan Will do!
@crashthegrey Yep, got that notion from here and other sites that talk about pipe care.
@jvnshr That was a rather interesting read, thank you for sharing that! Loved the quote as well, that's about the right of it.
@jpmcwjr I didn't think to use a paper towel for the bowl. I've been using a pipe cleaner folded over several times lol.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Im on the side of, the more you smoke it the better it smokes. I usually smoke 1 pipe all day if I'm gone from home.



Might Stick Around
Jul 6, 2016
I bought a MM Country Gentleman a few weeks back and at the same time bought an MM Diplomat,I smoke BCA in the CG and pa in the Diplomat the other day I bought another CG and put a danish bit on it that one is a bent bit, for the last 3 days I have smoked the first CG with BCA and can, put it down, i have a lot of briars but stuck on cobs they all taste fine to me, not the be smart but I believe if you had to smoke a different pipe every time, there would be in sign in the pipe shop that said so

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