Pipesmoking is one of the few hobbies where one person can say, I don't taste any difference at all in pipe sizes as related to tasting the tobacco, and then someone else can say that "there is a difference I can taste it." All I will say is that I taste a difference in bowl sizes, and you'd have to be a Mixture 79 smoking fool or just someone who smokes to get a nic fix to not be able to tell that there IS an obvious difference in the taste of a tobacco smoked in a .5" wide bowl and a 1" wide bowl. Why the hell do cigars come in ring gauges? Why did Camel make a wider cigarette? ...because width of the pipe chamber DOES affect the taste of the smoke. I taste it. Argue with what I can taste with my own taste buds. Come on... I dare you. Ha ha. But, the one guy whom every time someone says that such and such tobacco taste horrible, and a dozen people agree, he pops in to say that he loves it. It's blatantly obvious who has the lack of taste here. Maybe it's because that person smokes cigarettes while smoking his pipes, or has a chaw going at the same time.
In wine tasting, when someone can't taste the differences in wines, he keeps his trap shut, because he doesn't want to look like a fool in front of those who are enjoying tasting the differences. In pipesmoking, it's interesting how many people love being that fool.
Ok ok ok, so pipe size on genres... that is subjective. I do not enjoy an English in a smaller diameter pipe. The narrow thinner smoke pushes the flavor of the latakia back into the background, making the Virginias and Orientals outshine the latakia. So, I only smoke those in .85" or wider bowls. Virginias... it really depends on the Virginia blend. Some, I prefer in narrow .7-.5" range, and if it is more heavily cased or bitey, I prefer them in wider .85" or greater widths, because the volume of smoke cancels out a lot of the negative bityness. MacB's Virginia #1 comes to mind. I wish I had never bought this, but because on a whim I purchased like 10 pounds back when I started, I have more than I really should have, so I can only really smoke it in larger pipes. In more narrow pipes, the thinner wisps of #1 just singe my tongue, but in a wider pipe, it's way more mellow. And, I can actually enjoy it a little.
Aromatics... doesn't really make a difference, unless it is bitey, then I would smoke it in a wider pipe. More burley based aromatics can be smoked in a smaller pipe.
I also notice that if I smoke a heavy hitting burley like Burley Flake #1 or Cotton Boll Twist that if I smoke it slowly in a smaller diameter pipe, it hits me in the head with nicotine much faster than if I enjoy more of the flavor in a wider pipe. I attribute this to volume of smoke, verses how much nicotine my smaller blood vessels in my mouth can absorb. I can taste it more than just absorb it and feel sick. This all seems counterintuitive, but it makes sense if you think about how much can be absorbed, verses how much can be tasted. I just enjoy a big meaty burley taste in a wider bowl, and I am less likely to feel sick as fast as if I had smoked it in a tiny pipe.
But, the differences in taste between pipes is not astronomical. I can see how a cigarette smoker might not be able to taste a difference. But, if you are attuned to your senses, there are differences in flavors. I am smoking Prairie Wind right now. In a more narrow bowl, it tastes lot like just a McClellands Virginia with a slight bitter after taste. But, in a larger .9" bowl it has more sour in every sip with more volume of smoke in each wisp. It's a tad less sweet as well.
Sure sure, feel free to say that you can't taste a difference. But, I do, emphatically, and I can't stress enough how much more enjoyable smoking is when you have a few pipes that range greatly in bowl width. You can play around with things like this and it's affect on tastes.
Does Chasingembers just have all pipes with the same size ranges anyways? I mean, he has posted that he has gotten rid of so many pipes that were too small, and shows off a huge collection of Savinellis all of the same sizes and shape... what would he know about differences between a .5" and a 1" wide bowl anyways. Why would someone like that ALWAYS feel compelled to post that "I never taste a difference," when he obviously doesn't smoke a range of sizes. It would be like me saying, "I don't own sandals, only cowboy boots, and they are just like wearing sandals. I can't tell a difference."