Pipe Tobacco Roll Your Own Cigarettes

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Aug 17, 2015
My fiance kind of smokes pipes with me, but because she only wishes to have tobacco in a quicker method of administration. She really likes the aromatics, so today I went out and purchased some empty cigarette tubes. I happen to have a lot of 4 Aces, so I blended a few pieces of Captain Black cherry with the rest of the cigarette, and she actually likes it that way. Better than a regular cigarette because of the flavor, but not so much casing as to initiate tongue bite.
So it looks like I have another volunteer job.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
I am told that Prince Albert was sold either as a pipe or hand rolling tobacco since it was described as 'crimp cut' for pipes and cigarettes. I did roll a cigarette out of this stuff once and it was something else but apparently some people think its the way to roll. You can make cigarettes out of Condor if you are really ambitious but I wouldn't recommend it.



Jul 21, 2015

I happen to have a lot of 4 Aces, so I blended a few pieces of Captain Black cherry with the rest of the cigarette, and she actually likes it that way.

Is there anything in pipe tobacco, especially casings or top flavorings, that would be harmful if inhaled through the lungs?



Oct 6, 2009
PA was my introduction to RYO over 50 years ago. Back then it was marketed as pipe and cigarette tobacco--said so right on the tin. Every so often I will roll some. I also like CH rolled, and Bugler in a pipe.

Jul 21, 2015
@ death metal
the akaline content of pipe tobacco will make the smoke acrid towards the end of the stick, and while it may smoke well... a few weeks of cased/flavored or even spiced tobacco will give you the cough.



Jul 21, 2015
Thanks, Dr. Frankenstein. For a few years, I smoked drum and three castles in hand-rolled cigarettes. It was delicious.
Where does one get cotton filters?

Jul 21, 2015
Best place and prices I have found for filters is amazon. I like the Zens when I use them
Now if your tired of rolling, you can buy an injection machine and buy the premade cigarette tubes. They look just like the real ones. Low end are tops and high end are D&R Vera-cruz. This would be SYO. (Stuff-your-own) also there is some sweet designer tubes out if you are feeling sassy or different.I like the black VC midnites.

Feb 4, 2018
Right now I do not have the financial possibility to purchase a pipe. For a while, before it disappeared, I was smoking RYO Special London Robert McConnel, which I was later to discover, when trying a regular RYO- Bali Shag for e.g., that it delivered an unbelievable nicotine kick, not to mention the flavour.

I use to puff my way towards the end of a rolled cigarette, when I eventually draw once or twice in the lungs to step further from the craving. Puffing regular RYO however stinks, for the aroma is merely not there, while my hands began smelling once again like ash baths. There was no turning back.
Thus I purchased a can of pipe tobacco, hoping to roll it until I will be able to buy a pipe. I got Rattrays 7. It's been drying for over a week now. One thing I noticed, hand-picking the black coloured stone-like tobacco away, while sticking to the blonde, increases the burning and delivers a less thicker smoke. You can imagine that since I do inhale occasionally, I'd like to stay as far as possible from higher quantities of tar.
What do you guys know/think, selecting pipe tobacco this way, by smoking the leafy parts only, saves the lungs from extra tar deposits? Is there at all a difference, when it comes to the tar levels, between RYO tobacco (Special London for e.g.) and pipe tobacco?
Appreciate the help, thank you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 19, 2017
My understanding is that a lot of pipe tobacco in the UK, specifically the "ready rubbed" OTC stuff has become a lot more coarse, resembling broken flake. That makes them a lot harder to roll into roll-ups, which is actually the intention because it helps the tobacco companies avoid taxation if their tobacco can't be used for cigarettes.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
You can make RYO gaspers out of Warrior Plug if you shave the plug really finely and then rub out the almost translucent slivers into a very fine shag. The real question is why would you want to do it as its a waste of excellent plug. It tastes interesting in the same way that chewing Warrior Plug does but again why would you!



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
I have tried this with a number of pipe blends and the results were grim every time.

Feb 4, 2018
@molach95 useful tip, thanks. I however live in Romania, Bucharest. Still, same rules apply. I consent to noticing harsher pipe tobacco.

@mcitinner1 can't seem to find it, could you send it again please?

@condorlover1 completely agree, nonetheless without a pipe, I need to work my away around regular RYO tobaccos.

In Romania I could perhaps get:




What do you guys thinks, which one could be more appropriate for RYO?

@jazz I have a feeling I am going to conclude that once I switch to pipe :) Thanks for the intervention.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
alinwunderlahn.....Forgive me but surely, if you can afford to purchase a tin of pipe tobacco you can afford a corn cob pipe. I don't know how much a tin of Samual Gawith tobacco is in Romania but a corn cob costs less than a tin here in the UK.



Apr 5, 2014
@ alin My PM is still waiting for you. You have to be at the top of the forum page, then look on the right hand side for "Private Messages" and click on the line under the heading.

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