Pipe Smoking Stereotypes by Chuck Stanion

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Apr 9, 2021
I've enjoyed Chuck's writing and sense of humor all the way back to his articles in P&T Magazine. So when he put up a pipe, that belonged to him, for sale on the American Estates at SP and it sat there for a moment (maybe a day or two) looking at me with no buyers, I snatched it up. A nice Lovat handcrafted by Scott Klein. A pipe that I will keep. Screenshot_20210111-171520~2.png


Oct 6, 2021
This is well written and I enjoyed it, although there are points on which I do and do not differ with Chuck.

An association with intelligence was always silly, but an association with a thoughtfulness seems welcome. Thoughtfulness has nothing to do with intelligence. I'm not so naive as to think that the stereotype holds true, nor that it's as true of me as it should be, but I am saying that there are worse goals than growing in thoughtfulness, and if a pipe stereotype is a reminder towards that end, I welcome it.

I wasn't sure where the statement at the end was coming from: "Our ranks include every profession, sexual orientation, political viewpoint, race, religion, gender, and philosophical understanding of the world." I have never been exposed to any pipe stereotype along most of these lines. The Sherlock Holmes, Mark Twain, Professor, Sea Captain, or Grandfather stereotypes? Yes. Most of these? I'm sure that there would be no other reason for such a litany, so it must be that I simply missed these.

The paragraph which most resonated with me was this:

"We've all probably heard some variation on the hilarious question, 'Hey, what're you smoking in that pipe, hahaha?' The tone of the question implies that we should be amused by their accusatory witticism, but those of us tired of this jocularity have probably replied, 'It's a Virginia/Perique blend, aged three years to mellow the flavor.' Comebacks are few."

I chuckled. In any case, I don't mind the other stereotypes, but I really, really mind the marijuana implications. Really.

Thanks for posting.

fMf Piper

Great article. As always, thank for sharing.

wasn't sure where the statement at the end was coming from: "Our ranks include every profession, sexual orientation, political viewpoint, race, religion, gender, and philosophical understanding of the world." I have never been exposed to any pipe stereotype along most of these lines.
The sentence right before that one is "The stereotypes are changing and dissolving, though. We're harder to define now." I think Chuck was just trying to illustrate the point that pipe smokers, perhaps now more than at other points in history, are harder to categorize in to specific stereotypes. At least that was my take on it as I read it.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Great article. As always, thank for sharing.

The sentence right before that one is "The stereotypes are changing and dissolving, though. We're harder to define now." I think Chuck was just trying to illustrate the point that pipe smokers, perhaps now more than at other points in history, are harder to categorize in to specific stereotypes. At least that was my take on it as I read it.
I think pipe smokers have always defied the stereotypes. The stereotype were constructed to create a box in which to describe people who are so different.


Feb 21, 2013
  • Smoking in general and pipe smoking in particular has lost so much of its social dimension, it is difficult to think in terms of its image. Only online in forums does it have much social context at all. I would say I don't encounter by chance another person smoking a pipe more than once every two or three years, if that. One time my long-time tax preparer asked me if I smoked, and when I said I was a moderate pipe smoker, she gave a big smile and said, "Of course!" Which pleased me no end. I'm not sure what the public image of pipe smoking is or was, but for her, I filled the bill.


May 7, 2022
In keeping with the old adage

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

I feel young people, young western men in particular are searching for a way to affirm their masculinity to rebel against what seems to be a feminization/sterilization of free thought and this might account for the recent influx into "the hobby".

I welcome young people I applaud those seeking the good the beautiful and the true, especially here but there are some stereotypes that bum me out, we all have to start somewhere and I'm certainly not in any way a gatekeeper, but c'mon don't be sheep either live a little.

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Oct 16, 2020
I gave up my HS then University, by then mostly in bars playing pool or cramming, cigarettes when I got engaged 30+ years ago, then for some reason a pipe came calling a little over two years ago and I figured why not. The wife gets it, her dad and his dad dedicated Latakia fans forever, and she finds it more amusing than anything, and for me it’s pretty much in moderation. But I enjoy it and this place has been great for getting more out of it. It’s a solitary thing for me and beyond the wife nobody I know personally even knows I enjoy a pipe and don’t really care that anyone knows, it’s really “my thing”. Interesting read and I get all the stereotypes, maybe I’m quietly playing out my own version. One thing for sure, when it comes to law enforcement I’ve always been “please and thank you” and no drama and that has on balance paid dividends, lol, when I’ve been daydreaming (or not) and met some nice officers having exceeded the speed limit on occasion. Only encounters outside of that could have gone wrong if I’d been smart alecky when stopped a couple of times when they were engaged in looking for someone else in a more serious way, haha. The night the wife and I got pulled over in a metro area because they were looking for a “dark Jeep” in the area I wisely didn’t push the guy who stopped us, and only after he said “thanks, have a nice night” did I notice his partner shading my wife’s side of the vehicle. Whatever they were after must have been serious!
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
In keeping with the old adage

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

I feel young people, young western men in particular are searching for a way to affirm their masculinity to rebel against what seems to be a feminization/sterilization of free thought and this might account for the recent influx into "the hobby".

I welcome young people I applaud those seeking the good the beautiful and the true, especially here but there are some stereotypes that bum me out, we all have to start somewhere and I'm certainly not in any way a gatekeeper, but c'mon don't be sheep either live a little.

<a href="Blank Starter Pack - https://imgflip.com/i/7egtr5"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/7egtr5.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a><div><a href="Meme Generator - Imgflip - https://imgflip.com/memegenerator">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>
By the same token, I wouldn't want "this hobby is for guys trying to be more manly" to become another means of gatekeeping. We have precious few women in the hobby, and I can think of a lot more effective ways to get in touch with my masculine side than sucking smoke out of a piece of wood. puffy


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Thinking of pipe smoking as a hobby is well ... most here know my thoughts. The pipe is simply, for me, a nicotine delivery system. Folks can attribute all sorts of aims as a reason for smoking a pipe. But, it all boils down to the great feelings generated by the brain when it is fed nicotine. Be it, "It's relaxing", "helps me think" and, so forth, it's nicotine that does it.

The last paragraph isn't too bad a statement. Excepting, stereotyping is what people do and, they do it based on their personal observations. Call it stereotyping or generalizing ... it's what we humans are wired to do. It takes effort/thought to do otherwise. So, to generalize ... it's what people do.:sher:


May 7, 2022
By the same token, I wouldn't want "this hobby is for guys trying to be more manly" to become another means of gatekeeping. We have precious few women in the hobby, and I can think of a lot more effective ways to get in touch with my masculine side than sucking smoke out of a piece of wood. puffy
I agree completely I actually tried to delete my post as it didn't really come out right and I'm actually glad the link failed. What I was trying to say is without being gatekeepy , come to the pipe come one come all but not to prove something you think you are lacking rather to enjoy something you already are , still sounds corny , having an off day...:)
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
I agree completely I actually tried to delete my post as it didn't really come out right and I'm actually glad the link failed. What I was trying to say is without being gatekeepy , come to the pipe come one come all but not to prove something you think you are lacking rather to enjoy something you already are , still sounds corny , having an off day...:)
Ah, gotcha! Meanwhile, I was a little concerned you might take my post as accusative, glad we're on the same page. :)


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2021
Central Florida
I watch a lot of movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, and one thing I notice is that the stereotypes aren’t yet “fixed” at that point. Sure you get professors and sailors with pipes—but also tycoons, nice guys, gangsters, murderers, preppy boys, poor boys, salty gals, good for nothings, playboys, self made business men, lots of doctors, cowboy ranch hands, and a lot of other “types “ smoking pipes—reflecting a reality that a lot of very different people smoked pipes
May 9, 2021
Geoje Island South Korea
I chuckled. In any case, I don't mind the other stereotypes, but I really, really mind the marijuana implications. Really.
Yeah, me too.
I have, however, had a few very positive remarks from guys who have seen me out & about with a pipe. Usually, they're completely blown away by the fact pipe smokers still exist and have commented that they too should "get in to pipe smoking". Of course, I'm always more than willing to offer advise and even a pipe & tobacco, but that's about as far as it goes.
May 9, 2021
Geoje Island South Korea
I think pipe smokers have always defied the stereotypes. The stereotype were constructed to create a box in which to describe people who are so different.
Good point.
Couple of months ago, there was a guy who was visiting Korea. A few of us know him, so there was a whole bunch of us who had gone out for dinner and drinks.
Now, I've never really toed the line, I tend to do my own thing and not follow the herd, most everyone who knows me, knows this.
During the evening, this "visitor" commented, "how did you get to become so eccentric, Cliff?" I wouldn't say that I was eccentric, different, but not eccentric, I'm not really sure why he came out with the comment, but I just rode it.
Later we went on to a bar, I sat out side and lit my pipe. Through the window, I saw the same guy mouth "oh look, he's smoking a pipe now". None of my buddies batted an eyelid.
How good it feels to be different! puffy


Nov 14, 2020
stereotypes, who needs them! When will the world out grow it, and others... hmm 🤔

Maybe one day in the future, people will look back on society at certain words used in the past, wondering what do these mean, since they are no longer a part of society, as the future moves away from the ignorance of the past.


fMf Piper

Smoking in general and pipe smoking in particular has lost so much of its social dimension, it is difficult to think in terms of its image. Only online in forums does it have much social context at all.
But I enjoy it and this place has been great for getting more out of it. It’s a solitary thing for me and beyond the wife nobody I know personally even knows I enjoy a pipe and don’t really care that anyone knows, it’s really “my thing”. Interesting
Well said, both of you. I don't know anyone else who smokes a pipe, or cigars for that matter, and that is fine - it is a me thing. I do value the community on the online forums, as it is always nice to have others to give their opinions, or advice, and to maybe even have the opportunity to meet in person at a show, etc., if so desired.

come to the pipe come one come all but not to prove something you think you are lacking rather to enjoy something you already are , still sounds corny , having an off day...:)
Sounds about right to me. :) Anything that keeps pipes and tobacco available for us to enjoy is a welcome thing.