This is well written and I enjoyed it, although there are points on which I do and do not differ with Chuck.
An association with intelligence was always silly, but an association with a thoughtfulness seems welcome. Thoughtfulness has nothing to do with intelligence. I'm not so naive as to think that the stereotype holds true, nor that it's as true of me as it should be, but I am saying that there are worse goals than growing in thoughtfulness, and if a pipe stereotype is a reminder towards that end, I welcome it.
I wasn't sure where the statement at the end was coming from: "Our ranks include every profession, sexual orientation, political viewpoint, race, religion, gender, and philosophical understanding of the world." I have never been exposed to any pipe stereotype along most of these lines. The Sherlock Holmes, Mark Twain, Professor, Sea Captain, or Grandfather stereotypes? Yes. Most of these? I'm sure that there would be no other reason for such a litany, so it must be that I simply missed these.
The paragraph which most resonated with me was this:
"We've all probably heard some variation on the hilarious question, 'Hey, what're you smoking in that pipe, hahaha?' The tone of the question implies that we should be amused by their accusatory witticism, but those of us tired of this jocularity have probably replied, 'It's a Virginia/Perique blend, aged three years to mellow the flavor.' Comebacks are few."
I chuckled. In any case, I don't mind the other stereotypes, but I really, really mind the marijuana implications. Really.
Thanks for posting.