Pipe Smoking Pearls Of Wisdom

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Apr 5, 2023
Tacoma, Washington
Hello everybody. I am new to this forum, and this will be my first post and, I guess, creation of a thread. I have been a pipe smoker for many years, and it is a hobby that my wife and daughters support. Recently, my wife finished reading a novel--The Awakening Of Miss Prim by Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera--and it contained a pearl of wisdom about pipe smoking that I felt should be posted and critiqued.

Horacio smiled as he took a cigar from his breast pocket.

"Do you mind if I smoke, my dear?"

Calling upon her unwavering sense of what was polite, Miss Prim assured him that she didn't mind in the least.

"I've never understood why people enjoy cigars," she said pleasantly. "They have such a strong smell. Why don't you smoke a pipe? It's very dashing, and smells so much better."

Her host lit the cigar and drew on it deeply, peering at his guest through the smoke.

"Because a pipe requires commitment, Prudencia. A pipe requires perseverance, loyalty, and commitment. In a way, and to make it quite clear, the cigar is to romance what the pipe is to marriage."

Thoughts? And, please post other Pipe Smoking Pearls Of Wisdom.


Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California
“The pipe draws wisdom from the lips of the philosopher, and shuts up the mouth of the foolish; it generates a style of conversation, contemplative, thoughtful, benevolent, and unaffected.”
-William Makepeace Thackeray, from “The Social Pipe”

“A pipe is the fountain of contemplation, the source of pleasure, the companion of the wise; and the man who smokes, thinks like a philosopher and acts like a Samaritan.”
-Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgement in all human affairs.”
-Albert Einstein, 1950

These quotes were taken from the Eddy Gray's Pipe Nook website:

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
I must say, this novel sounds very interesting and fun, so I may have to add it to my queue.

And yes, I find myself agreeing with Horacio. But his reasons for not smoking a pipe are the ones that endear me to it.


Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
About the only thing I can glean from the quoted selection is that one doesn't need much writing skill to get published. No wonder AI seems such a threat to writers.

As for pearls of pipe wisdom, about the only one worth noting is:

It works better if you set the tobacco alight.
Also, sucking works better than blowing.


Can't Leave
Mar 11, 2023
Atlanta, GA
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. When it's smoked to the nub, ihe pleasure is over. A pipe, on the other hand, continues to give pleasure over and over again, to paraphrase Byron, it is a joy forever
Yeah, when I think about what I used to spend for a box of cigars, buying a few estate pipes is really nothing. And the more you smoke them, the better they get.


Can't Leave
Mar 11, 2023
Atlanta, GA
"The pipe draws wisdom from the lips of the philosopher, and shuts up the mouth of the foolish; it generates a style of conversation, contemplative, thoughtful, benevolent, and unaffected.”
-William Makepeace Thackeray, from “The Social Pipe”
I searched around and found a copy of "The Social Pipe" on the inter webs. The frontispiece is an engraving of Sir Walter Raleigh. Should be a fun read

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Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
Speaking of commitment... or the lack there of.

I recently had a visit from a cousin of mine. Now, this guy is quite a piece of work. He holds a doctorate from an ivy league university and is now a professor at another and has won every prize and award there is in his field. If you were to look on a list of the worlds greatest mathematicians, you would find his name. You get the idea, a genius in spades. ( why didn't I get some of those brains? life is unfair.)

Anyway, he is a big admirer of Einstein and when we were in my office he noticed all the pipes and said that if Einstein smoked one there must be something to it. He is a non smoker. He then asked if he could smoke one of mine. I hesitated for a moment and then told him I didn't think it was a good idea and he wondered why not. I then asked him if he know how to play the violin and, as I knew he would, he said "no". Then I asked him if on hearing the Beethoven Violin Concerto, he would ask the violinist to borrow his instrument so he could play the concerto too. Again, no. I then explained that if he wanted to learn to smoke a pipe I would be happy to teach him, but I would need a few days to do it properly. He needed to make a commitment to do it right. I also told him that if he tried right now he would likely make himself sick. He still has never smoked a pipe. puffy
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