Hi all,
I’ve been smoking now for about a month and I’m starting to get the hang of it but I am running into an issue. I notice when it’s colder outside it’s harder for me to keep the pipe lit and I have to constantly relight, tamp, and/or increase my cadence which a lot of times results in pretty gnarly tongue bite. Apart from not smoking outside when it’s cold out ( my lease does not allow my to smoke inside) does anyone have some tips on how I can keep the pipe lit when it’s cold out without getting tongue bite?
I’ve been smoking now for about a month and I’m starting to get the hang of it but I am running into an issue. I notice when it’s colder outside it’s harder for me to keep the pipe lit and I have to constantly relight, tamp, and/or increase my cadence which a lot of times results in pretty gnarly tongue bite. Apart from not smoking outside when it’s cold out ( my lease does not allow my to smoke inside) does anyone have some tips on how I can keep the pipe lit when it’s cold out without getting tongue bite?