So, I have a pretty big backyard with a deck and that's where I do 99.999% of my pipe smoking.
My backyard fence butts up to the neighbors backyard in the next addition. They have kids, play out there often, the mom lays out (no pics yet), etc etc etc. There is a good distance from my deck to them, and the fence is high so I can't really see them.
Today I come outside with laptop to puff a bowl and they are outside playing, Mom is out there, etc etc etc. They had been outside most of the afternoon, I think. About 10 min later, after the pipe is fired and going, they are all gone and inside. All quiet over there.
Did I smoke them out?? (I guess, in?). Do I wait until no one is out there until I start smoking, since they were outside first?? Hell, those kids are always out there.
Anyway, anyone have an experience discussing this with neighbors, or what do you do in this situation?? I don't really know this woman so I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing my pipe smoking with her, but at the same time I don't want to be that a-hole neighbor that keeps them from enjoying the outdoors. Also, my pipes are all pretty big so this isn't a 20 minute smoke. Hour minimum.
BTW - not smoking a harsh stinky tobacco that wouldn't please others, just a carmely type blend. Not an aromatic per se, but nothing really unappealing.
Sorry if been discussed before. Link the thread if yes and I will bump it > you can delete this one.
My backyard fence butts up to the neighbors backyard in the next addition. They have kids, play out there often, the mom lays out (no pics yet), etc etc etc. There is a good distance from my deck to them, and the fence is high so I can't really see them.
Today I come outside with laptop to puff a bowl and they are outside playing, Mom is out there, etc etc etc. They had been outside most of the afternoon, I think. About 10 min later, after the pipe is fired and going, they are all gone and inside. All quiet over there.
Did I smoke them out?? (I guess, in?). Do I wait until no one is out there until I start smoking, since they were outside first?? Hell, those kids are always out there.
Anyway, anyone have an experience discussing this with neighbors, or what do you do in this situation?? I don't really know this woman so I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing my pipe smoking with her, but at the same time I don't want to be that a-hole neighbor that keeps them from enjoying the outdoors. Also, my pipes are all pretty big so this isn't a 20 minute smoke. Hour minimum.
BTW - not smoking a harsh stinky tobacco that wouldn't please others, just a carmely type blend. Not an aromatic per se, but nothing really unappealing.
Sorry if been discussed before. Link the thread if yes and I will bump it > you can delete this one.