I know that title sounds quite dramatic but frankly, its true! I realize how self-pitiful this sounds but I don't have much in life that is worth living for and when I discovered pipe smoking two years ago, it lit up my world and was one of the few things that kept me going. Fast forward two years to today, and I have almost completely lost interest in the hobby/lifestyle. I have tried so many blends and different type of tobacco and it's all just boring and time consuming to me now. I really don't get anything out of it, both in the flavor and nicotine departments (or at least not enough flavor and nicotine to keep me coming back) and I find myself just getting antsy sitting out in the cold for 45 minutes while I puff away in the evenings. I want to love pipe smoking again and give myself something to wake up in the morning for but I just can't bring myself to enjoy it anymore. Any idea how I can rekindle my passion?