Yeah brother, this sounds like a case of depression. It would be one thing to not be interested in pipes/smoking, but the alarm bells ring when you say you don't have much to live for. That goes beyond a hobby/lifestyle disinterest and into a darkness that is ever-present for us all, whether we'd admit it, or not.
I've been through many a cycles of depression myself and most notably it has been worse during the winter months (less daylight hours, cold, dark days, body aches from the cold and overall lack of physical motivation, more seclusion and less personal contact to keep from the cold... ).
I'm not really sure what to suggest, as being in that situation, nothing that is suggested sounds remotely enticing. I will say that time is the great "un-doer", in that it will take time, no matter what you do, to overcome these dark times. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel brother. I'm sure there is plenty to hang on to, whether it's on the forefront of your mind at the minute, or not.
Best of luck and well wishes to you.