Biting my tongue…I don't think I would get that deep into it with her.
Biting my tongue…I don't think I would get that deep into it with her.
Truthfully I regret not titling it Pipe Smokin’ and Baby Makin’, but alas… hindsight is 20/20.I can’t help but feel that this thread should have been titled “Smoking Pipe And Making Babies”. Other than that I got nothin’.
Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be politicians....Just don't let the babies grow up to be unlikeable keyboard gangsters or adverserial hooligans.
I think you have to worry more about what happens after they pop out of the womb. What impressions you make, what lessons you teach their little sponge brains (babies don't know jack, yet they are hyper observant and suck up a little bit of everything they are exposed too.).My wife and I have been in talks about procreating for a couple of years now, and we recently decided that we're going to start trying here in a month or two. We've been making both financial and health considerations leading up to this, and now that the time is nigh, my wife has requested that I significantly reduce my alcohol and tobacco consumption just to be safe and make sure that everything is A-OK down there to reduce chances of our spawn having any complications. To this, I have no objection, and I'm sure it would do me some good to only smoke/drink a couple times a week (if that) instead of almost daily.
But since it pertains to pipe smoking, I wanted to ask on here and see what other's thoughts are on this situation. Were you smoking when you had your kid(s)? Did you cut back, or not change anything at all? Was it even a consideration? Once you had a kid, how did it affect your smoking?
people try to trick me into making that mistake all the time. Sometimes by over stressing the fun of kids and sometimes by making terrible suggestions in the heat of the moment.I would imagine if you take your pipe out of your mouth and not smoke a Church Warden whilst giving the wife a length of the 'Old Pipe' you should get her in the club in no time. I personally have never had any children but I am told they can say rather amusing things. Good luck with your quest for a 'Mini Me' but remember that three minutes of fun equals about 21 years of headaches!
Alcohol is terrible for you unless your like a 1 beer a day for the heart kinda guy. Which is probably good for ya, I've heard the queen of England use to drink a glass of Gin a day. And she does pretty old. I use to be a heavy heavy drinker, and I'm two years sober, and I feel like a new man. So quitting drinking is always a plus. As far as the pipe smoking goes, it's not like it's cigarettes, I'd say smoke on as much as ya want man. I got kids and I do pay a lot more attention to my health, I want to be around for em ya know. Good luck to you and your wife, I wish for you to have a very happy family.My wife and I have been in talks about procreating for a couple of years now, and we recently decided that we're going to start trying here in a month or two. We've been making both financial and health considerations leading up to this, and now that the time is nigh, my wife has requested that I significantly reduce my alcohol and tobacco consumption just to be safe and make sure that everything is A-OK down there to reduce chances of our spawn having any complications. To this, I have no objection, and I'm sure it would do me some good to only smoke/drink a couple times a week (if that) instead of almost daily.
But since it pertains to pipe smoking, I wanted to ask on here and see what other's thoughts are on this situation. Were you smoking when you had your kid(s)? Did you cut back, or not change anything at all? Was it even a consideration? Once you had a kid, how did it affect your smoking?
Can't be having that.and it just makes me too virile and sexy.
Yeah, that's a good point. I definitely don't think I overdo in either respect, but I suppose it's good to take a break once in a while. Congratulations on kid number two!The fact that overindulgence in drink and smoke is even on your mind as a factor leads me to believe that you’re likely not overdoing either one.
Thanks so much, Mortar!Alcohol is terrible for you unless your like a 1 beer a day for the heart kinda guy. Which is probably good for ya, I've heard the queen of England use to drink a glass of Gin a day. And she does pretty old. I use to be a heavy heavy drinker, and I'm two years sober, and I feel like a new man. So quitting drinking is always a plus. As far as the pipe smoking goes, it's not like it's cigarettes, I'd say smoke on as much as ya want man. I got kids and I do pay a lot more attention to my health, I want to be around for em ya know. Good luck to you and your wife, I wish for you to have a very happy family.
She prefers I brush my teeth first... hah. As for life being full of risks, I completely agree. There's so many unknowns and variables and I reached the point many years ago where I decided I'm going to do what I enjoy without going overboard and not worry about the rest. I've known people that were health fanatics who never smoked, drank, or the like, and they were struck down with serious health complications. You just never know, so I try to focus on what makes me happy. I think happiness counts for a lot when it comes to health.As long as the missus wants to kiss your tobacco-tinged mouth,