Pipe smoking and diabetes

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Can't Leave
Dec 12, 2010
Slightly off topic, but this is a question that I have wanted answered: Can type 2 diabetics such as myself drink sodas? Diet sodas? It would be nice not to only have to drink crystal light/water solely every day day in and day out.



Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
yoru, if you had diabetes and didn't eat you would crash and that is a bad feeling.

you can go into a coma.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Never said I had diabetes, just low blood sugar, well . .. that and anemia but that is something different all together heh heh.
Had a crash a few times at work. Damned if that didn't suck too. I'm pretty inactive though at home, and learned not to forget at work. Only problem Is till have is if I forget to have something before bed I can end up conking off for 10-14 hours.
Actually, I hope the anemia is the reason for my low sugar, though never asked a doctor if that were possible. As long as it doesn't become diabetes I'm good. Although given my family history I suppose I should be saying 'until' rather than 'unless' :wink: One good thing about only being 21, got a few years ahead of me yet before any serious complications can be expected to come up.



Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
stay healthy yoru, low blood sugar is a common thing and you need to watch it, it can be a bad thing also.



Can't Leave
Aug 18, 2010
I was on medications that made me sedintary and as a result I gained weight. :crying:

But I'm off these medications now and feel better and not as drained, and feel the weight being reduced from not overeating. I also have little to no cravings at all. :lol: I had a blood test done over a week ago for sugar levels (haven't seen the doctor for results yet), but during the minimum 10 hour fast I avoided any puffing. Simply for the "just in case" scenerio because of the "sugars" that are in the pipe tobacco. Like the above members indicated, it's probably insignificant, but you never know, the labratory goes by microscopic amounts and I don't want to mislead the results. If anything was serious enough, I would have heard from the doc already...

Nice topic, shows that pipe smokers really care !! :clap: :puffpipe:



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
wow, nothing like having the shit scared out of ya with all the posts and research I've done.....first thing I found was a site that said anything over 400 usually requires hospitalization. 8O I'm not supposed to go back in to get it checked until the 18th when I have to fast from 8PM the night before to check the "fasting rate"...sounds like they should have tested me the next day being that high. My two brothers, sister, Mom and Dad all had it and I thought I was going to be the one who skipped it, but that sure supports what I read that it's 90% genetics, hard to tell, so much conflicting information.
I have now realized that I have had two of the indicators, one being my vision has been worse lately, and I've been drinking tons of liquid lately. This really blind-sided me for sure. There is mention in every article about quitting smoking helps with the disease...just really coincidental that I start up pipe smoking after 33 years and then 6 months later have this happen.
The other problem areas were the chlorestoral level which was 219, and the Triglycerides which were 416.....something is really wrong here.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
Just a suggestion. Take a trip to your local Walgreens, and purchase a blood glucose meter. Look for the "Truetest" brand. Cost is only $10, and includes the meter, a 10 strip vial, a finger sticker, and a carrying pouch. Test your sugar upon waking, 2 hours after meals, and before bed. Record all the info, including what and when you ate, in a log. Do this for a few days, then take it with you to your doc. The readings will give a picture of what's going on and when.
I would also suggest picking up a vial of "Ketosticks". They are urine test strips that change color and indicate if you are spilling any ketones. Record these readings too, and give them to your doc.
Using an insulin pump requires me to test 10-15 times a day, to achieve tight control. It's a lot of work, but pre-pump, I hardly tested at all. I'm now paying the price. I've had numerous laser treatments on both eyes for retinopothy and macular edema (bleeding in the eyes), I suffer from gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying), and a little neuropathy in my feet. All this because I ignored the disease for nearly 18 years.
Diabetes is a serious disease. Take it seriously and be proactive now, before you suffer irreversible damage. Believe me, high blood sugars over a long period of time, WILL damage you, no question.
I know it's a drag having to change your lifestyle, but the alternatives are far worse. With a good attitude, knowledge of how the disease works, and constant vigilance, most complications can be avoided. Diabetes IS manageable, but YOU have to manage it.
Again, good luck.



Jul 13, 2010
My wife has diabetes, but doesn't smoke. She has her numbers under tight control with diet and exersize. When she was initially diagnosed she had an A1C of 10, for that blood test a 10 is hardly a perfect score. Normal non-diabetic people have an A1C of about 4.5 to 5, right now hers is 5.6. So with diet and exercize alone it can be controlled. Of course she was on metformin for about the first 6 months to help control it, but it has been about 3 years since she has had to take any. Something for you to shoot for.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
CACooper: I went out and got the meter at Walgreens for $10.00 and it came with a mail in rebate for $9.99(even though they count on few people sending it in), but anyway I waited 2 hours after eating supper and tried it out. I got a reading of 264 which is a hell of a lot better than the 400+ reading I had before, which is encouraging. I'll check it when I get up in the morning as well. Thanks for the info on it.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Update: 5 weeks now and down to 109. Still haven't found any information on how much sugar is added to pipe tobacco, I've read where cigarettes are loaded with it to help people to be addicted to it.



Jul 13, 2010
Congrats, hobie! May it continue to drop and then stay at a healthy level for you! I want everyone on this site to live a long life smoking as many blends as they can get their hands on and putting up a review on LTR! (Especially if they put the ones they don't want in the pass! :wink: )



Jul 28, 2010
I've been diabetic for about 15 yrs.,going from type 2 to type 1 which is to be expected. I've been lowering mine by using fenugreek seed along w/the mass of medications I'm on. If I'm busy moving around,exercising my level is in the 100s. Dr told me try to keep below 134. He's more concerned about my low sugars rather than the highs.



Can't Leave
Jun 18, 2010
Hobbie, I agree with everything said here so far, but I have A couple of suggestions.

Igloo's diet was A good start, if you go to webmd and type in diabetes, they have A world of information.
The A1C is A very important test. That gives the doctor A 3 months gauge on how you are doing. Get your Dr to give you your number every time you have it checked, that will let you know how you are doing overall.
cut our all bread
eat small meals, lite breakfast, small snack, light lunch, small snack. light dinner then A small snack. eat 5 or 6 times A day, small amounts, rather than 3 big meals.
If you frozen meals or canned food, read the lables, check for carbs and sugar.
Now to your question, for the past couple of months my wife who is 81 ahs smoked one or two half bowls A day, It hasn't bothered her diabetes, but it has calmed her down A lot.
above go to WEBMD it ts the best diabetes site I have found,
Good luck hobbie
and since you like pictures




Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
cool stuff, can't argue with those kind of results for her.
I'm pretty much doing everything you suggested, so you are giving good advice.



Can't Leave
Jun 18, 2010
You are right Igloo, A very lucky man, and since may of 09 it has been my privlege to take care of her (except for A 100 day stay in rehab) I do the cooking, cleaning, washing and all the housework. In the evening we have A bowl together, laugh and joke, with lot of laughs.She has been my wife for 42 years, and I wouldn't have it any other way

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