Pipe smoking and diabetes

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Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
just had my blood checked and my sugar count was 462 :crying: :crazy: supposed to be under 100, so I'm technically a diabetic. All this is from the same thing that causes everyone else's diabetes...too damned much refined sugar. Coke, Sweet Tea, desserts, candy, white potatoes ( a large baked potato has the equivalent of 30 teaspoons of sugar in it ). I'm reading a book now which says that all diabetes can be reversed by eliminating refined sugar totally( which for some reason people still like to shoot insulin daily, and grab for a candy bar when their sugar is off ) :crazy:
So I'm gonna boycott refined sugar and then get re-tested in a couple of weeks to see how far it lowers it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
Bit of a diabetes PSA and also I'm not a doctor, nor do I claim to be, but I do feel it is necessary to give my opinion on the matter:
Diabetes isn't just about high blood sugar. Those with type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) cannot produce usable insulin from their pancreas, hence the need for insulin. The candy bar is to counteract either over bolus of insulin or times when they haven't felt hungry or didn't have time to get food, so it's an instant rise in blood sugar - just as very high blood sugar can be dangerous, very low blood sugar (under 60) can be fatal!
Type 2 diabetes entails insulin resistance, in which case, the person can produce insulin, but due to their diet (most type 2 diabetics are overweight), their mechanisms for maintaining a normal blood glucose level are hindered. Some may require pills to lower their blood sugar and some may require insulin - all depending on what their doctor sees fit.
As far as smoking and diabetes go together, this is what I can tell you. As pipe smokers, we know the risks involved with smoking. However, the body tends to have a harder time repairing itself if your blood sugar is high. Also note that if you are diabetic, you are more prone to bacterial infections (remember, bacteria does like sugar). So with that said, you just have to use your best judgment - e.g. don't smoke if your mouth has a sore, or if you got tongue bite, etc.
Also, a note on inhalation of tobacco - bottom line, it's not good for you. When you inhale, your body transports much needed oxygen from the lungs to the heart, and to the rest of the body. When you inhale, you reduce the oxygen intake, and the hemoglobin in your body will accept carbon oxide instead of oxygen and carry it to the rest of your body - this is probably why some people get light headed when they inhale.
With all of this said - it's pretty much moderation and I also highly recommend asking a doctor or two for their opinions.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
Just to clairify the following :
I'm reading a book now which says that all diabetes can be reversed by eliminating refined sugar totally ...
Type one diabetes can NOT be reversed by this method.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
If anyone's interested, there's a program called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), and it's very thorough in its science and applicable to a broad spectrum of symptoms--from autism and alzheimer to IBS and diabetes. It's a very stringent program to be on the diet fully, but you can certainly take away a lot of the concepts and recipes for what suits you. I recommend also the original book, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall. The diet is all about controlling the types of sugar you intake--doing away with long-chain polysaccharides and replacing with natural short-chain, and also regulating the flora in your gut.

And yes, the US gov't was warned about refined sugar and corn syrup since the '30's, when there was a motion put before congress to ban its production.

Big Business won that one.



Can't Leave
Aug 20, 2010
Lake Conroe, TX
I am a diabetic, type 2 and I find that my pipe smoking has little effect on it but it does replace the urgings for sweets and carbs so that is a good thing. Diet is what counts in fighting diabetes. Lowering stress levels also has a great effect on diabetes and when I am relaxing with a pipe, my stress wafts away with the smoke. So in that way it is good. Doctors are all programed to tell you to quick tobacco of any kind so you won't get good answers there, trust me, I have talked to a bunch of them.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I am borderline Type 2. Since September 2010 I have lost 22 lb through diet and excercise (both of which I hate) and improved my sugar count somewhat. I'm lookig at dropping another 20 lb over the next 3-4 months and getting my count below 100. My doctor, as expected, told me to cut out the booze and smoking. I've cut back on the booze but not cut it out entirely.

I told him that I'm drawing the line on my cigars and pipes. He was pretty cool about it and counciled me to try to cut back.

The fact is that the things we like most will probably kill us over time. It would piss me off mightily to stop the things I enjoy only to get run over by a bus.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2010
Yeah the way i look at it im going to die eventually anyway, may as well enjoy myself in the mean time.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Nope, I was going to make a response, but backed out, gonna watch myself before I get in trouble. :roll: aren't you proud of me? :)
Edit: Lawrence :worship:



Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
i have type 1, watch your sugar and carbs intake. its mostley in the food you eat.

tobacco is not going to raise it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
I'm lucky, I have constantly low blood sugar, easier to manage. Well, it would be if I could remember to eat. heh heh.



Can't Leave
Dec 12, 2010
Wow great thread. I am a type 2 myself and although I will admit my diet was instrumental in me acquiring diabetes, my stress level was the main reason--I fully believe. Since I've been smoking pipes even my family members have noticed that I have since settled down some and not as "high strung."
Now if only it would warm up here in the People's Republic of Maryland then I would be able to take a nice jog a couple times a week.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
As a 26 year Type 1 diabetic, using an insulin pump for the last ten years, I feel I can speak from some experience.
First and foremost, a 462 BG reading is flat out dangerous. If your BG is that high for a long period of time, DKA (Diabetic Keto-Acidosis)can result. Ketones and acetone are by-products of severe fat and muscle metabolization because your body lacks enough insulin to metabolize sugarinto energy.The kidneys can only flush so much out of the body, but eventually are overwhelmed. The ketones, acetone, and sugar build up to toxic levels.
A normal (non-dibetic) person can eat copious amounts of carbs (sugar, soda, candy, etc.) and never, ever have a BG over aprox. 120 mgdl. Sorry to say, a 462 after eating a baked potato, means you ARE DIABETIC! No question. You definitely need to see your doctor IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner.
I feel for you, as I was in denial for a period of time after I was diagnosed. Taking shots was something foriegn and scary. I didn't want to believe it, but facts are facts.
But trust me, after time, it all becomes old hat and routine. It's just a different lifestyle. My suggestion, take it or leave it, is to accept it, and dive into the diabetic lifestyle with both feet. See your doc and a nutritionist. You'll feel a lot better, I guarantee!
As far as pipe smoking and diabetes, I've personally noticed no difference controlling blood sugars nor any ill effects.
Good luck!



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Iam type 2 diebetic on 1000 mil of meformin a day .My pancreas loves to regulate my sugar at 150 . Here is my list no bread , no rice , no chips , no potatos ,no banannas , no pinapple , no oranges . Who said diebetics can not have sugar ! Everything is sugar ! Diebetis is not caused by being overweight , drinking to many sodas , etc etc . It is in your gene pool .There is no cure ! If my BG was 462 you can bet I would go to the doc right now and probably have some one drive me . Not in a little while , right now . Love you Hobie now go take care of yourself . You can smoke your pipe on the way .



Mar 9, 2010
Diabetes runs n the family so my Doc keeps a close eye on my sugar levels . So far only borderline high. But I have had to cut back on carbs and fats. Could be LOTS worse.!



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2010
just had my blood checked and my sugar count was 462

hobbie if your blood sugar is that high you need to take a trip to the ER or at least call you DR first thing in the morning and get your blood drawn for a better read.You can cut out all the sugar in the world the results will not be quick enough for that high a BG you are playing with your life at those levels and if your DR told you to try the diet and come back please God dont ever go back to that DR and find a new one this is very serious BRO I know you are a jokester I hope the 462BG was just a joke
as far as tobacco and diabetes tobacco is not good for you in large amounts or small some smoke ten bowls a day and live to be 100 some smoke very little and have problems from smoking. Just get educated for your self and you make the call

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