I believe that rangerearthpig is right in both his posts. The government doesn't seem to be particularly concerned about many of the dangerous things we do in our lives – just about smoking. And secondly, that smoking can potentially be dangerous, for a very small segment of the population who violate some commonsense rules, chief among these being moderation. Now that we have that behind us, I have to say that I'm going to be 72 in April, have been smoking a pipe for 54 years, and my dentist tells me that he can see no evidence in my mouth that I have ever smoked, or that I am currently a smoker. Personal hygiene does help somewhat. SWMBO tells me that she notices how much enjoyment I get from my pipes, and how relaxed I am when I am smoking them. That has got to be worth something. Now there seems to be a statistical correlation between pipe smokers and bladder cancer. But there is also a statistical correlation between being male or Caucasian and having bladder cancer. So in the event I should develop bladder cancer, wouldn't that be because I was a pipe smoker, mail, or Caucasian? And who would give a definitive response? One thing I have noticed: the mortality rate is 100%. I'm going to die of something, and given my age, and the fact that I have survived combat, despite having been wounded, the fact that I have a healthy heart, the odds are Alzheimer's (shudder) and cancer. At present there is no sign of any diminution of mental faculty, so we can rule out Alzheimer's, and we are left with cancer as the best probability, or the possibility of a sudden heart attack. Which one? Who knows? In the meantime I have gotten 54 years of unalloyed pleasure from smoking my pipes, and I look forward to another 54.
Besides, as I have stated once before on this forum, I want to die as my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep, not like the passengers in his car, screaming.