That's okay. I had a 1980 Dodge conversion van for six years. I got owning a van out of my system.He has an 84 Plymouth van for sale
That's okay. I had a 1980 Dodge conversion van for six years. I got owning a van out of my system.He has an 84 Plymouth van for sale
Let's be crystal clear... only Chasingembers wants to be left alone. He hates the word hobby, because he chews chaw and smokes cigarettes while smoking his pipes, and looking for people to shoot and kill. I recommend we all just keep your distance from him.+1
This describes my experience from days when I was a heavy cigarette smoker too.
Bruh, you need to come down to WNC for a minute, just for the... uh... cultureshock. That's pretty much every discussion with a stranger here, regardless of if there's a tobacco pipe involved.?I don’t really get any of that “Hurr hurr can you smoke weed in that” or “Ayy bru lemme have a rip off that” or “Oh my god, my brother’s mother’s brother’s eighth cousin removed’s mother’s brother’s mother’s pet chinchilla’s littermate’s grandpa used to smoke a pipe back in the 1970s and I have SUCH a raging nostalgia boner right now” type stuff, thankfully.
Sure, makes sense to me - that's just personal preference. I would feel odd myself being approached on the street unless I am really in the mood for a conversation. I was just pointing out that it doesn't always boil down to whether one's a "hobbyist" or "smoker", but rather personal preference in most cases.No, Chasingembers wants to be left alone. Me, I gave a whole list of etiquette for approaching me. I never said “leave me alone.” Just don’t run at me fast choo chooing, or trying to buy my pipe, or asking to hold my pipe, or begging me to try your tobacco. Other than that, approach, and we’ll talk about the weather or something.![]()
Bingo!Let's be crystal clear... only Chasingembers wants to be left alone. He hates the word hobby, because he chews chaw and smokes cigarettes while smoking his pipes, and looking for people to shoot and kill. I recommend we all just keep your distance from him.
I, however, have been known to drive for 8 hours just to smoke a pipe with someone from the forum. I've met and befriended dozens of you guys. I consider this a hobby, because I don't just see tobacco as a "fix". However, I do know that I am addicted, but I don't whore up on Lady Nicotine with every old nasty cigarette or chuck a chaw and spit nasty black goo into an empty Mt Dew can.
I do love meeting people. NOWHERE in this thread have I said that I don't. I thought that a list like this could be fun and informative, because in the past guys have been like... "I saw my first other pipesmoker in a parkinglot and ran at him while trying to get my pipe going, but he got away and looked panic'd and frightened."
Or, "when I set next to a pipesmoker and start asking how to do this and that and the other, he got up and moved away from me.
This is a list of etiquette that might help neophytes understand how what they are doing is stupid and running people away. Just because you would love to have someone run up to you to show you his pipe, while you are in the middle of trying to get home with those damned eggs you wife made you go get... doesn't mean that everyone else would.
I may be just setting there enjoying my first bowl of a circa 2001 McClellands Pebblecut that I have been looking forward to for years, and finally popped it, and along comes some neophyte asking me how to tamp, how to light, how to... wanna taste my tobacco... like a 5 year old showing off a new toy truck.
AS A PIPESMOKER, SURELY YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHEN A MAN WANTS TO FOCUS AND TASTE THE FAVORS HE HAS BEEN LOOKING FORWARDTO ALL DAY OR FOR YEARS. Right? So, understand if in your excitement to see and meet a pipesmoker in the wild, maybe approach like you would a deer grazing in a field. Test the waters, check the direction of the wind. He might just want to talk also. Maybe it is one of the many times he is just smoking some Carter Hall, and doesn't mind talking. Just don't run up and start fondling a man's pipe. Get it?
When I was in hospital a couple of years ago for a week, I regularly sat outside puffing on my pipe with the cigarette smokers. [A Catholic run public/private hospital that, unlike State run public hospitals, want to keep patients safe so they 'turn a blind eye' to patients smoking outside the wards]Don’t say, “let me puff that there thang”.
[Note to self; signs of anti-social tendencies] ?Alright, so if you see someone reading a newspaper, do you just walk up and interrupt him and start asking him questions? Or, if you see someone reading a book?
Smoking a pipe is the same way. You force the person to remove their pipe and engage you. It's sort of rude. If I want to talk, I'll remove my pipe and introduce myself. If I just want to smoke and enjoy my smoke, I'll avoid eye contact.
I'd call it more like his druthers. After all, it's good etiquette to respond to questions from a stranger, even if inconvenient.I haven't read all 11 pages of this thread because I am in disbelief that @cosmicfolklore is giving etiquette lessons now.