Picking on Brits a Bit

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
First off, this is made with all good intentions, and for our British friends, feel free to pick back.

I had a visit this last week from a friend who is expatted-down outside of London, and we sat around the other day discussing the difference in here and there.

Why do you guys not rinse the soap off of your dishes when washing them?
I understand that you guys don't like fresh eggs, so you just leave them laying about on the counters, but soapy tasting dishes baffles me.

I have always noticed that it is hard to end a conversation with a British in person, and you guys apologize as much as a rescued abused housewife. That all is ok, quirky, but ok. But, I was surprised to learn that you guys have tv shows about people watching tv shows. This I don't understand.

He was also telling me that the Brits think that we make our walls out of paper. He has been asked about this quite a bit over yonder, which just tells me that they don't understand what drywall is. I asked him what they used to make their interior walls with, and he wasn't sure, but he told me that you guys all carpet your bathrooms. Ha ha.

Now, there are obvious differences between the Brits and us Merikans, beyond just drinkin' weak warm tea, and talkin' funny.
So, let's have some fun. And, you Aussies and Kiwis can join in. I'm sure we do some stuff that is weird to you guys.
Or, all of ya, from places outside the US. Let us have it.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
The not washing eggs thing is a weird one... They come of a chickens ass. We have wackos doing that here now.

Sheetrock is a better term than drywall... That would cut down on the confusion.

When I was in London, I couldn't believe that they didn't eat double Quarter Pounders. They only had single Quarter Pounders. I had to eat 2, just to get by.

The food in the UK in general is a damn shame.

Don't get mad get even... Go ahead, try to convince me that America isn't perfect. I'll wait as I smoke this Newport, and watch our beautiful southern women walk by.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The not washing eggs thing is a weird one...
Not rinsing the soap off of the dishes was what got me. They just scrub them in soap and let the soap dry... or so I am told.

Yep, people just don't understand the charm of having the most beautiful women in the world, and they hate wearing clothes.

Newports? Ugg, I am afraid you lost me there.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
Not rinsing the soap off of the dishes was what got me. They just scrub them in soap and let the soap dry... or so I am told.

Hopefully they'll come along and explain this one. I've never heard of such.

They do show a lack of regard for the taste of food though... So maybe they don't notice the soap flavor.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
Because Americans are squeamish about a little chicken lady juice and a bit of poo, they wash and shampoo their eggs which washes off a protective layer, American eggs are then more prone to Salmonella. Plus in the UK we vaccinate our chickens against Salmonella.
So as we have a much lower risk of Salmonella in the UK and Europe, we don't need to put them in the fridge.
And there is no harm in a bit of poo on them. You don't eat the shell do you?
As for not rinsing the soap off the dishes. That is what the drying up cloth is for. :)
Although I am with you about leaving the soap on and leaving them to drip dry. That's not good.


Oct 15, 2022
Orcas, WA
I will never understand why they started persecuting the zed. Older British dictionaries made proper use of the letter 'z' in fine words such as "organize" and the like... but somewhere in the 20th century, they replaced this historical and proper use with the 's.' I've seen speculation it was due to a wartime shortage, but I'm skeptical.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I think carpet in the bathroom went out of fashion a few decades ago. But I do remember it.
Stupid idea.
Must just be the age of the homes my friend is living in, or the area or something.

When I take my debate team to a tournament at the richest high school in our state, I am always amazed that they have carpet in their bathrooms. Like a public bathroom, and it always looks clean. But, why? ha ha. I think that they just want to make the impression that their students never piss in the floor.
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