Picking on Brits a Bit

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Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 8, 2020
Smithsburg, Maryland
You should know these things already without having to search on Wiki puffy
Well, I'd agree with this part if we actually gave a damn about British history. We had a few fights over the right to not give a shit about Britain if my American history serves me. (1776 and 1812).

All banter aside, it's everything the American public school can do just to teach kids 250 years of American history! I'm sure we'll get to world history when we're ready 😂


Sep 18, 2021
Western North Carolina
Wow. 19 voluminous pages and this is what I’ve learned:
1- Americans use tea kettles to boil their Mountain Dew.
2- In our relatively short history, Americans have figured out how to wash dishes.
3- There is only one person left in the world who speaks Latin and it’s not even a person per se, it’s a Welsh Badger.

Isn’t it great when you are simultaneously entertained and educated?


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
That had me scurrying to Google... I see that they serve battered fried fish with vegetables other than sliced deep fried potatoes and mushy peas. That's just plain weird.
Captain D's is a very mysterious place here in the US. No one ever admits to eating there, and the few times anyone does, they have to leave in a hurry to empty their bowels. It is suspected that secretly eating there is a form of eating disorder.
But, in my opinion the malt vinegar is a military grade laxative.

It is also believed, because they keep building these places and no one ever sees a car parked in front of it, that it is some form of money laundering that keeps them open.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
That's what I love about this Forum. We can knock seven bells out of each other yet still enjoy a beer and a bowl together afterwards puffy

Did I miss someone seriously trying to piss someone off in this thread?
It does baffle me when people get seriously irate on the forum. Usually, just a touch of humor will help... unless the goombah has no sense of humor. Humor helps keep the world on track.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The influence of Vulgar Latin. I used to try to keep up on the French pipe forum, but my brain kept hurting. Putting adjectives after nouns and sentence structure is always taxing for me. Add in that street French or conversational French doesn't always follow the rules that we were taught in French classes.

Well, I was waiting for mawnansmiff to challenge cosmicfolklore to a duel, but it looks like I'm going to be disappointed.
Oh, he and I have been word sparring since he got here, ha ha. I am always excited when I see that he has responded to something that I've posted, and I have never been disappointed. Great guy!!


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
As for washing eggs, do you eat the shells over there? And if the eggs are coming from the chicken's arse, there's either something wrong with American chickens or the way you're taught anatomy
Actually chickens like all other birds have only the one orifice, called the vent where everything is expelled!

Perhaps Scottish chickens evolved differently from those in the rest of the world?

Nov 20, 2022
Actually chickens like all other birds have only the one orifice, called the vent where everything is expelled!

Perhaps Scottish chickens evolved differently from those in the rest of the world?

I will take your word for it. Either way, I want my eggs scrubbed.... even more now. The thought scares me more than salmonella.

I would ask how you know this fun fact, but a quick internet search leads to the dark web.
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