Actually, I can explain, but it may be less fun, but... we founded our nation on the principles of a representative democracy as modelled by the Romans. We were a young nation, so we wanted to set an air of authority, tradition, and intellectual prestige. So, naturally we turned to the language of the civilization in which we were continuing the legacy. Many scholars would say that the US is a continuation of Western Civilization as established by the Greco/Roman Empires. Also, Latin was an important language for the educated, and our country's principles were established by the educated. So... we get Latin intermixed with our symbols of our government.
No, no, no, I'm just pulling your leg... actually, our founding fathers knew that using Latin would piss off the limeys 250 years later.
No, no, no, I'm just pulling your leg... actually, our founding fathers knew that using Latin would piss off the limeys 250 years later.

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