Much nicer words compared to what I call them. (I can't stand those damn things.)Also people calling tuques "beanies" or "stocking caps."
Much nicer words compared to what I call them. (I can't stand those damn things.)Also people calling tuques "beanies" or "stocking caps."
Funniest thing...I just had some peanut butter while wearing my stocking cap.Much nicer words compared to what I call them. (I can't stand those damn things.)
If you were to wear the jar on the head you'd come closer to what I call those caps. ?Funniest thing...I just had some peanut butter while wearing my stocking cap.
The dreaded glottal stop. I agree.Among most hated sounds: aspiring one's "t's". Be--er, advan-age, win-er... AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!
That’s common here in NE Ohio to drop the “t” in some places. Not in the Cockney way...but yeah, winter is winner around here. Also the City of Mentor is NOT pronounced Men-Tor but Menner. You can always spot people from out of town by how they pronounce it. We also have Mantua...that’s pronounced “Man-Away.”Among most hated sounds: aspiring one's "t's". Be--er, advan-age, win-er... AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!
Some mispronunciations are amusing and acceptable. I know an old hillbilly type who works at a state park and is really proud of the “pervillium” he built at the picnic grounds. I call pavilions per-vill-ee-ums now. Some words and things just grate though.I've meet enough freaks i.e. people. That I find it harder and harder to be annoyed by mispronunciations. In fact the guy I work with who sometimes talks about the covis virus entertains and bemuses me. I don't know if he thinks that's how it's pronounced or if it's his own intentional term for it. I really don't know. But I get less and less bothered about that. I honestly think it's my girlfriends fault. She's great but she is really stubborn about things. If I point out that a word is actually pronounced one way, she will not accept that. Seriously it is like if the CIA tortured you with hot sauce for years and now you find ghost peppers to have a mild tang.
Channel changer, turtle tamer, close enough.??For some strange reason in our house the remote control has become referred to as a “turtle tamer.” I have no idea why. But, when we have had people over for the first time, when we ask where the turtle tamer is, they know exactly what we are talking about.
That one! “Go out there and give 110%!”110 percent'