Peterson St. Patty's 2014... And A Dilemma.

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Feb 21, 2013
Just a footnote on these holiday commemorative pipes: I've heard, and I think it's true, that St. Patrick's Day

is a relatively minor holiday in Ireland, not quite as remote as Arbor Day here, but not the big festival it

is in many cities in the U.S. I think it was more the Irish who came here to the U.S., and later millions of

non-Irish who got in the spirit of the holiday, that made it what it is in the States. I grew up in Chicago,

with Richard J. Daley, an Irish mayor, where they dyed the Chicago River green for St. Pat's, as they do in

a number of other cities with rivers. I suspect Peterson sells many more St. Patrick's pipes in the U.S. than

in Ireland. My St. Patrick's Day pipe isn't part of their series, but part of the Around the World Series,

the pipe for Ireland, that is a bent bulldog with a wide band engraved with the Celtic Cross. That gets me

in the spirit, and an Irish coffee, if I can find or make a good one.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 3, 2013
For anyone still interested, P&C seems to have had a restock on these pipes! I checked last night and they had some that weren't marked at "out of stock". Was able to put in an order for the canadian. (hoping it wasn't a fluke in their system...)



Dec 14, 2013
Yep, I just received an email from them that they are back in stock. HERE. Not a bad price, and some very nice looking choices of styles. Just a shame that none of them are offered in a smooth finish. Whatever, and I'll pass as money is tight, and the idea of a special 'holiday' pipe is just nothing more than hype IMHO and doesn't mean squat to me. Of course if one is trying to work up a special collection that is a different story. Being retired, and living on a pension certainly leaves me out of that group. :wink:



Mar 20, 2010
A week ago I pressed the key and purchased a shape #107. It's quickly become one of my favorite pipes and a good smoker. I've been trying to limit my pipe purchases and decrease my collection but the green bowl rim and the sandblast attracted my attention. Of course it being a Peterson and the price certainly got me. I'm a collector and admirer of Petersons.



Nov 2, 2013
I just picked up a 2014 St. Patty's shape #68 from Outwest Tobacco. Really nice looking sandblast and the smooth kelly green rim looks great too. Of course the majority of my pipes are rusticated or sandblasts anyway.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2013
People like what they like. Personally, I think if the sandblast isn't your thing then you shouldn't buy it. Just because you wanted to make it a tradition doesn't mean it will work in practice. I like the idea someone else suggested of buying a pipe for yourself for St. Patrick's Day every year. It doesn't have to be an "official" St. Patrick's Day Pipe. You can even stick with the Peterson theme if you want and just buy a pipe that suits you.
I will say though that my tastes in pipes changes all the time. When I first started smoking the only things that looked right to me were smooth full-bent shapes. I just had that picture in my head of what a pipe was. Now, however, my favorites now are straight or very slightly bent rusticated or sandblasted pipes. I'm sure at some point that will change again. The point being that you could always buy a sandblast now for your St. Patrick's Day collection and see if it grows on you. If not Peterson pipes seem to sell fairly well in the estate market...especially unsmoked. You probably won't get all of your money back for it, but you would probably get a large chunk of it.



Feb 21, 2013
anthony, whatever happened? Did you buy the Peter 2014 St. Patrick's Day pipe or decide to sit this one out?

The suspense is excruciating.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 29, 2014
I was never much of a fan of rusticated pipes until I got a Steve Weiner rusticated. It is now one of my favorite pipes. Sounds like a solid tradition and you may find that your horizons are expanded as you buy pipes that are out of your comfort zone. Won't you be kicking yourself when you have a collection of 49 St Patrick's Day pipes and are missing just one.

Jan 8, 2013
mso489 asked....
anthony, whatever happened? Did you buy the Peter 2014 St. Patrick's Day pipe or decide to sit this one out?

The suspense is excruciating.
Well I decided I was going to go ahead and get the pipe in an XL90 shape... Unfortunately funds have fallen through and I'm going to have to put it on hold and hope upon hope that I can grab one later. Still a while before St Patty's Day. I just hope they don't all sell out before then. I'll see what happens. Wish me luck :)
If I remember right, I didn't even order my last one until late February or early March last year. I might be ok.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
I pulled the trigger on the Canadian, shape #264, and the nice UPS man just delivered it.

Jan 8, 2013
Congrats Rav :) Enjoy the heck out of it! Are you going to wait until St. Patty's Day to break her in, or are you going to start early?



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
I like your tradition, but don't be too sad. All my briars are rusticated, and while peterson might have lost your custom this year, they have gained mine.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Congrats Rav Enjoy the heck out of it! Are you going to wait until St. Patty's Day to break her in, or are you going to start early?

Anthony, I can't begin to tell you how many times in the past three days I've picked that pipe up, wanting to try it out. However, the current plan is to make a tender corn beef brisket on March 17, along with all the trimmings, and then follow it up with an Irish coffee and my new St. Patty's day pipe. Hope I've got the resolve to stick it out! Thanks so much for your good wishes --and if any forum member finds himself or herself in Cheshire, Connecticut, on that day, drop on by for dinner and that Irish coffee, and smoke a bowl. And if it happens to be any other day of the year, the welcome mat is still out.


Jan 8, 2013
Well many of you know I was pretty torn between whether or not I should get the 2014 St Patty Petey. Well I've been staring at them and staring at them, and I've read everyone's posts that replied in the original thread, and to be honest, they had started to grow on me. I finally decided I wanted one. I had to keep the (very new) tradition alive.
The dilemma this time, is I didn't think I'd be able to come up with the funds soon enough to get one before St. Patty's day came and went while watching the stock of XL90 shapes slowly disappear. It had to be an XL90 or nothing at all.
Out of the blue today, my favorite lovely redheaded latakia loving woman (my girlfriend)told me she wanted me to have that St. Patty's Day pipe, and she was paying for it. I'm like 8O "Really?" She came into a little extra funds and wanted me to have it. So tonight I hopped online looking for it. had two or three xl90's yesterday so I went there... nothing. Pipesandcigars had some so I searched for an xl90 there.... nothing. I went to a couple other sites... nothing. Cupojoes has been very good to me in the past so I went there... they had one! So I snagged it!
Thanks everyone who chimed in. As soon as it arrives, you know I'll be posting photos up here. :D



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Anthony, I'm so glad you got it, and you're one lucky fellow to have a wonderful lady who wants you to have that pipe. Treasure both of them.



Feb 21, 2013
Even better than the pipe, the gift. Those are handsome St. Pat's pipes, and I think you'll enjoy it.

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