I've seen a couple others. Pretty sure
@forciori only rocks dunhills.
I collected many things in life and soon realized that generalism doesn't provide me enough knowledge — especially about every single thing.
I've met many pipe smokers with thousands of pieces and a bit of knowledge about each. If there wasn't a deep knowledge, what was directing all this diversity? It didn't and still doesn't make sense to me but I respect.
Even so, I've seen many dedicated colleagues experiencing a lot of pipes just to determine the best experience, without success. Sometimes the best experience is in a cheap pipe and not in a pipe made by the best pipemaker or so ever. Why? Because brair is a lottery, the experience is subjective and there's no magic in the engineering of a pipe. If I'm going to try luck anyway, I'd rather try my luck with what I know best.
Pragmatically, that's why I only have Dunhills. On the other hand, I like the trajectory of the brand... The presentation, function, beauty and tradition.
I'm completely satisfied. I have pipes from every decade of the last century. I don't see how this could be even more interesting.
There are enough people out there buying everything from everyone. That's good, but it just doesn't work for me.
That doesn't explain everything, but it should help.