@Kola, I agree about shaping, although if all they ever made were traditional del luxe systems, I’d be a happy boy.
It’s my understanding Peterson has fraized bowls imported from Spain and finished in house. One could buy these pipes from Spanish pipe shops for about $35 last time I checked (a few years ago). I have no idea if this is still the case and if so, what percentage of production is entirely in house. One could always ask, but I don’t think it matters too much who runs the fraizing machines so long as the wood is good and the machines are accurate. Sorting the bowls and finishing the pipes is far more important to the smoking.
There’s much anti-Palmer sentiment in this thread that I don’t understand. Peterson was at their lowest point when Palmer purchased the company. He turned things around financially, kept the company afloat and productive when most of the others disappeared and improved the quality of construction....well. in the last few years, at least. However, standards were in the crapper in the 70’s with Pete at the bottom of the triangle and stanwell and sav at the top. Pete and sav have flip flopped imho, but that’s off topic.
I’m glad the stg will continue to handle tobacco production. C&D produced PPP would have been a nightmare!