I have a birthday ( 78th ) coming up at the end of the month and I have my eye on a Peterson Kildare Silver Band No999.It has a p-lip,I have never smoked one of these before and wouls welcome your opinions on them.
They really reduce tongue bite, however they are pretty impossible to clench, if you want to do that with one like me, you need standard sized pipe softy bits. They make it very easy to clench these pipes. The stems come quite round and on the small side which is what causes the difficulty. Personally though, the p-lip is my favorite stem design and I am a clencher.
Right on time, though
I like them too....I don't clench either, it is impossible to clench down on a pipe stem, and be relaxed at the same time for me.
@hobie :rofl:
Yeah I like the P-lip but I don't clench. I have pipes with both and enjoy them equally. It takes a short time to get used to the P-lip but not a big deal.
I also do not have a problem clenching my p-lips. If I was buying a new pipe and I could choose between the p-lip and a fishtail, I would go with the fishtail 90% of the time. However, if I was buying an estate pipe, it wouldn't matter to me one way or another which type of bit it had.
I always disliked them but have grown to accept them. If you clench, they sit a little further into the mouth which takes getting used to. Also, the draw is a little more restricted, so I open it up a bit with a drill bit. It does not take much and it does the job nicely. That said, I typically will not buy a pipe with it as I still prefer the fishtail.
Happy Birthday!
Not a fan of the P-lip. Everytime I get one, with an estate lot, I get rid of it. I do, however, still have one, Sav. Pot with Cumberland Stem (P-lip), that I won't part with. Otherwise.....
I have several p-lips and love them. No problems clenching. The stem/bit is rounder than a fishtail but fits perfectly between my teeth. Definitely recommended.