I have been looking at both Petes and Savs over ebay. What are your thoughts? Which of the two is better? Thanks!
Thank you for your insights! You're right but I'm currently torn between the two. I wish I had enough budget to buy them both. Thanks!I have several of both and enjoy both greatly. For normal bent pipes Savinelli is a better option due to the widespread drilling issues from Peterson. However, that is only for the non system pipes. If you want to spend a little more money on a bent shape, Peterson system pipes are great smokers. For straight pipes they are equally as enjoyable. It really comes down to what you like more, the feel, the look, etc.
What a gorgeous collection!I agree agree with embers...Savinelli ? What’s that ?View attachment 5003
and as a side note ,many estateSavinellis back from 70-80 were unfilteredI also have several of both but, must say that the Savs and their discount cousins the Rossi’s are some of the best smokers I own! If you are allergic to pipes with filters just toss the filter and I also find they smoke better without the adapter
Good to know. Thanks. Personally, I wouldn't buy one from that line as I prefer filters, but many are the opposite and will go for unfiltered pipes.I have 2 from the Tre line and I really don’t feel they smoke as well, just my 2cents