I started with aromatics, and while I have tried other kinds of tobacco, I often come back and try a new aromatic, especially during this brief warm spell we're having. I have liked just about every aro I've had, with the notable exception of C&D Autumn Evening. So I had high hopes for Nutty Cut, though it's a thicker ribbon cut than I prefer, and rather dry. Kept a flame well, didn't bite until the end, and tasted fine for the first third or so of the bowl. After that? It felt as though I was smoking an ashtray, a feeling that didn't change one bit right on through the end of my smoke. I tried adjusting a couple things (tightness or looseness of the packing, presence or absence of ash, etc.), but nothing helped. No flavor subtlety whatsoever. Gave it the ol' college try, though. I might slip a Boveda packet in the jar for a couple days and see if it helps to rehydrate, but I would't recommend this one to anybody. There are a bevy of great aros to sample, even Peterson blends like Sunset Breeze or Connoisseur's Choice. 3 out of 10.