I got them both today from the Post Office Box near town, and I decided to open up the Irish Oak first, saving the Nightcap for the after midnight club. Upon opening the tin I was a bit nervous, being used to the sweet sugary cherry smell of the PC packed Smokers Pride I've been puffing on. But I could immediately tell a difference, having had to let the old Cherry Cavendish dry out overnight. Even just packing my bowl, I could tell that this was going to be a whole different ball game. I gave it a false light and watched the strands of tobacco dance when the flame touched them. Lightly tamping, I became more excited than nervous, and as I put my next match to it and lit, a whole new world was opened up to me. I got a hint of something sweet like a faint childhood memory of a candy store. Being that this is only my 2nd pipe tobacco I've had, the first being Smokers Pride Cherry Cavendish, all I'll say is that this was a breath of fresh air, so to speak. A hint of sweetness throughout the first half of the bowl, and then something pleasant that I can't describe, perhaps when I have more experience. Anyways it was a very pleasant smoke, no tongue bite, and compared to my first tobacco, I was living in the Ritz.