I have to admit, I've never even tried Penzance, and I've had several opportunities at reasonable prices. I just have so many other great Balkans already, including Supreme, Sasieni, WK, BH, G&H BM, 10-Midnight as well as a few GLP creations... I'm curious about the hype, but not curious enough to pay a dime above retail. I started back piping right as the Frog Mortons disappeared from the market and I've had the pleasure of trying a few, and loved them, but also don't want to pay what's being asked for them. I tried so many other brands' "English/Aro" crossovers and none were close to as good as the FMs, then stumbled upon Pembroke, ASTB, and St Ives... I'm surprised that these are slept on so much considering the void in the crossover market. Imho, they're even better than the frogs, just replace McC's ketchup with Germain's fruit/anise topping. I guess I'm just surprised that I've never even seen anyone compare the 2 or even mention them together. I mean, they're obviously different, but more similar than all the wet dog vanilla burley cavendish Sutliff offerings that are marketed as Frog replacements by P&C.
Rant over.