Paris is the Most Beautiful City in the World

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Sep 17, 2023
Paris is a wonderful city but it is a city and its filled with people. This means there is good and bad. The PR idealizes it because its beautiful but it has the same problems as most every other city on the planet.

Im always amazed at the PR preformed by Hollywood movies. You see beautiful archecture, no litter and almost NO CARS. Europe doesnt look like that. People live here. Funny thing about cars is that in most places they are everywhere...on the sidewalks if not blocked by posts. Towns and cities were designed before cars and in older areas (which is most areas) there is not near enough room for cars to park.

Also there are snooty people and there are nice people and everything in between.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Well don't leave us hanging..

Or did you just watch that opening ceremony?
My last show as an audio tech was with Liza Minnelli in the Moulin Rouge. A couple of days later, I was scraped off the A303 in Somerset with life threatening, life changing injuries. Paris is not to blame, per se, it was merely the end of that life.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
Doesn't beat St Davids in Wales. The UK's smallest city.
There are barely any shops so my wife doesn't spend all day shopping.
Its very close to the beach and some magnificent coastline.
You can visit, see everything, have a coffee and leave in an hour.
Nice cathedral.
No stress driving in rush hour. There is no rush hour.
Its deserted in winter because there are no tourists, every house is a holiday home and the locals can't afford to buy houses.
Its about the only city without KFC, McDonalds, Burger King etc.
No big city problems.


I think I should get a job with the Wales Tourist board


Sep 17, 2023
I prefer smaller places to cities as well. Everyone thinks of Paris when they talk about France but the majority of France is extremely rural and sparcely populated. If you Google the 10 largest cities in France you see the population numbers drop significantly. We have about 9000 in my town and its not considered a village. There are tons of villages with only a few hundred to a thousand. I lock my doors, of course, becuase it only takes one idiot to rip you off. Otherwise, life is pretty quiet.
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Sep 17, 2023
Honeslty, I dont think much has changed in rural sections. Of course there are always economic challenges. Also change is the only constant. We are a bunch of old dudes and we always think life was better. My grandfather did, my father I do. Its just easy to think things are bad when they usually are just in flux. That said, Im not arguing..Im just sayin its an easy trap to fall into and its easy to point the finger. I think the biggest problem everywhere is finger pointing at someone who is at fault instead of finding solutions. It happens everywhere...not just Europe.