It will work just fine with out any carnuaba wax. How was your pipe stripped? Did you do any sanding,if so to what grit did you sand? The briar needs to be really smooth before the wax will give it a good shine. It can't be sanded,say with 360 grit- and expected to shine.I read above that Paragon, etc. is only good if it has been properly waxed with carnauba to begin with. My pipe has been stripped down to just wood grain/no finish. Will Paragon still work? Is it a substitute for carnauba/buffing wheel?
I totally agree. The Paragon(for me anyway) gives more of a glossy shine, but it is a tad more work as I need to go over the stamping on my pipes with the toothpick end of one of those dental flosser gizmos to get the excess wax out. Else whatever stamped on the pipe will have white lettering.John,I like both,but wish the Paragon could be used on rusticated pipes. It seems to be a bit harder and holds up better than the Halcyon.