I was a bit late on the update today. Nice grab. I wondered who's grubby mitts this one fell in to. Oh well, you saved me the trouble of having to cut my own pipe cleaners.
Have to admit Bruce was never really on my radar before. But this one caught my attention in big way.
Enjoy it! Oh, and do report back once you've burned something, please. Congrats
I love Bruce's work! Lovats are a particular favorite of his to smoke, and knowing him the way I do, that's probably ivory in the stem, which strongly resembles the stem design on my Christmas egg.
I always wonder what happens to the "feature" pipes in these updates when they are no longer there when I get around to looking. Nice score, that is stunning.
I've always loved the Lovet. Clean, simple and elegant. They do tend to smoke a little hot for me but the shank will doubtlessly solve that problem. Beautiful pipe, enjoy. Let us know how it smokes.
Thanks guys. I'll give an update once I get it this weekend. It'll be my first lovat or canadian and my first Weaver. It's special since it's the same length as....the width of European A4 paper.
Who am I kidding?