Left work a little early to get a head start on the weekend, and dropped by my favorite antique store. I have been to this well several times, and never came back thirsty. This time my cup runneth over! Sitting in a bowl of pipes on a table, in front of the window, nestled against Dr. Grabows, Yello Boles, Savinellis, and the occasional BBB was a hidden wonder. For the princely sum of $23.00 I purchased this Pre-Transition Barling.
As soon as I got home the stem got a little buffing treatment, and I tried to remove as much as the charring on the rim of the bowl as possible.
I also reamed the bowl, and waxed the entire pipe. Not a bad find, the only thing missing was any nomenclature on the stem. This pipe dating before 1962 however, I was not too bother by that minor problem. The shank is marked with a faint Barling's in an arch over Make. Underneath is Ye Old and the rest is no longer readable. The pipe is stamped with a 4 digit serial number beginning with a "1" which designates it was made for the English market. This is the best find I have made yet, and pure luck, check your antique stores!!