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Oct 27, 2010
The power of suggestion is overwhelming. You know how you sit down at night to watch TV and some foolish commercial comes on telling you about the latest made-up ailment that some drug is going to cure- and nobody’s ever even heard of the disease? Things like RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) or IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder) for example, then before you know it, you’re hearing all about all of the symptoms and reaching for the phone to leave a message for your doctor’s answering service so that first thing in the morning he can schedule you for the first available appointment.

Maybe not. But one week ago, I asked for a “Glossary of Terms” to explain some of the more popular abbreviations, specifically PAD. It was clearly defined, and I've been reading some threads about members and their own symptoms.

My collection for the past few months has included 2 pipes- one purchased in early September and the other in Early October. I’ve bought 4 in the last two days on ebay! I’ve spent those past two days watching it like a hawk, hopelessly addicted to the thrill of auction action. Maybe there will be some commercial advertising for the PAD cure later tonight, but then again, it is more probably in that tin of Bagpiper’s Dream that showed up on Friday afternoon!



Mar 21, 2010
My posture on this issue is out of the mainstream, which is not unusual

for me... I maintain that PAD stands for Pipe Acquisition Delight. OK,

so you spent the lunch money and your clothes are wearing thin. You have

the right to sing the Blues. What other pastime, save possibly Tobacco

Acquisition Delight, gives as much pleasure? This "Disorder" crap is all

part of the subliminal guilt trip that the current anti-tobacco political

climate continues to grind out. Stick it to the Man! Keep on acquiring

Pipes and fine blends to smoke in them. Power to the Pipeman!



Mar 9, 2010
I have all the pipes I'll ever need now! (hahaha, I am already browsing for the next one(s))



Oct 18, 2010
The fun is in the Hunt, the delight is in the Find, and the lasting satisfaction is in the Acquisition. Keep buying those treasures.



Mar 9, 2010
I don't have PAD I am working on a 365 day rotation of Petersons. Then I will start on the GBDs and the BCs..................................



Can't Leave
Aug 28, 2010
South Devon, England
No amount of drugs, alcohol, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists will cure you of this affliction. Just let it overwhelm you and accept it.
Alternatively, have you tried Pipe Smokers Anonymous? Their number is 555-BUY-MY-PIPE



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
After I got my Vauen on a trip down to the States in the summer, I told my wife that that was the last pipe. I have five, and given my rate of smoking that works out to a two-week rotation. Then there was the story about Brigham, and got me to thinking about how much I liked my Brigham 1-pin, and as a Canadian, wouldn't it be nice to have some more Canadian pipes...
So I find myself on eBay and 48 hours later I've won a Brigham 4-pin volcano.
The thrill of the hunt, the rush of the auction, then the interminable waiting for it to arrive (that's where I am now). I think it's all self-explanatory, myself but perhaps my wife doesn't quite understand the same way!



Oct 27, 2010

How do you like that Vauen? One of the shops listed here for my state (CT) seems to only sell their pipes, so it's a good sized tobacco shop with a cigar humidor along one wall, and the rest of the place is curios and display cabinets with nothing but Vauen pipes in them. The fit and finish on them is noteworthy. Beautiful pieces.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
My Vauen is the 3108, which I have a picture of in my album. It came with a churchwarden long stem, but I haven't smoked it with the long stem yet. I use the short stem. It smokes really, really well and I'd say it's my favorite right now. I usually put light aro's through it (1-Q, MV-1000, Eileen's Dream) and it seems to work really well for that. All that and it's a looker and feels great in the hand.
I wouldn't have any problem recommending a Vauen. Heck, it was the pipe used at the World Pipe Smoking Championships, according to Raymond, who was there.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
I have five, and given my rate of smoking that works out to a two-week rotation.
Whoa, hold on. Only six pipes including the new one?? What are you taking for PAD as that is remarkable?? I have only been smoking for 2 months and have 20+. Although, I believe yours are higher grade though haha. I suppose it is quality not quantity that matter and I must say some of the older estate pipes smoke just as well as some of my more expensive pipes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
@wallbright: It's all relative... as you should know from your avatar!
There's PAD, then there's PAD. Compare me to my wife's grandfather who owned and smoked one Peterson only: I'm outta control! Compare me to some of the more seriously affected around here... and I'm hardly even in the game. :) I figure I have to pace myself.
I define PAD as buying pipes I don't really need for no other reasons than they have sparked some unholy possessive need, especially after I told my wife that I wouldn't.

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