One of the troubles about finding the right packing "method" is that with different pipe shapes and different tobacco cuts, there isnt really going to be any one, set in stone way to pack your pipe properly, but I live by a couple of rules when packing. I gravity fill the bowl, just sprinkling tobacco loosely into the chamber, until it is full, and then I take my index finger and tamp the tobacco down without any real resistance. I just let the tobacco settle to wherever my finger pushes it, then I repeat the process, gravity filling until it is full, and use light pressure to settle the tobacco to where it needs to go. Another thing, which is very important to me at least, is that whenever my bowl is full, I always check the draw before I light it. I like my pipe to draw as if it is empty even when filled with tobacco. As with most things in the pipe hobby, Your Mileage May Vary, and trial and error is probably going to be the best way to go.