I'm one of those guys who, early on, struggled to get and keep a folded flake lit. For years I gave up on flakes. But, about a year ago, the stars aligned and when I came back to flakes, I had success smoking them folded.
It seems that some flakes taste better rubbed out (e.g. Ennerdale), some taste pretty much the same either way (e.g. Capstan Blue according to JimInks, but I've had only the pre-rubbed out), but most taste best folded (e.g. HH Pure VA).
If folding and stuffing isn't working for you right now (like it didn't for me, for awhile), there's nothing wrong with coming back to that later in your career. But I would advise you not to waste flakes that taste best folded, during that time. Check others' reviews -- if many credible reviewers claim that a flake tastes great rubbed out, maybe it does. But if some credible reviewers say that a flake is best folded, and burns too hot or loses nice flavors once rubbed out, then just steer clear of that flake until some point in the future when you have success smoking that form.