R I D I C U L O U S... I still can’t get over FedEx, UPS, etc., handing packages off to USPS for final delivery ?
So, charge more for trash pickup. In Aurora, IL they pay per can each week; each can put out needs a sticker on it that needs to be purchased. We have a similar thing in my town in Ohio for whatever doesn't fit in the allowed one can per week. So, why not just charge people accordingly to how much they put out. Also, isn't carboard recyclable in Chigaco?A Chicago alderman made a comment that because of all of the Covid online purchases and deliveries...there's more garbage/cardboard to pick up on trash day.
The Tribune just reported yesterday that they're doing both - property tax increases and increase in fines for red light and speeding camera violations. The city and state are both net-loss populations for at least the last few years. No mystery why...City halls desperately need the cash they're losing due to forcing their businesses to close. It's gonna come from either fines or taxes.
That wouldn't work in the city. Everyone lives on top of each other so everyone would just throw their trash in cans other than their own.So, charge more for trash pickup. In Aurora, IL
I still can’t get over FedEx, UPS, etc., handing packages off to USPS for final delivery
Those millions of residents not paying taxes really do not care what the different assessments are. Unless, of course, landlords see a chance to increase the monthly payment. I don't know if Chicago has "rent control."So when it's ten cents or whatever that seems pretty good.
It's not that there's no push back, but more a matter of when the takers outnumber the makers. Chicago as well as the state of IL have passed that threshold. Some states have not yet, but the country as a whole has.The aldermen/women need more moneys for buying votes and keeping the populace in check with "give aways." I would surely expect other similarly governed cities for follow suit if the Chicago government gets no "push back."
Book-worthy!! ?The difference between the modern state and the mafia is approaching epsilon. But so is the difference between the average citizen and an outlaw.
AgreeIf it happens here, I'll get around it. I'm done going along..
I purchased tobacco at Iwan Ries once. I decided that would be the only time. Chicago taxes are criminal!I hate this city. They tax us to death. corrupt, clowns. Has anyone bought Tabacco inside the city? The tax costs almost as much as the tobacco itself. My dad always said ,Chicago has two classes poor and rich, If you are in the middle, your f****d.
Fact-Check - TRUE!City halls desperately need the cash they're losing due to forcing their businesses to close. It's gonna come from either fines or taxes.