Ahoj, zdravím vás z Čech. Dýmky mám osm nechám absolutně upřednostnit koníčky jsou víc, než dva roky.
Google translate?"Hello, hello from The Czech Republic. The pipe I have eight I let absolutely prioritize hobbies are more than two years".
Your browser probably has a Google Translate extension. When installed, "translate" will show up when you right click on your mouse.Google translate?
Yup. It give you the gist.Google translate?
I love Google Translate. It has provided me with many moments of hilarity coming out of it ineptness. Some years ago I used it to translate Ye Olde Briars from Japanese and it somehow delivered howler after howler as it translated the hosts descriptions of his pipe collection into a series of sex acts.Yup. It give you the gist.