Back to owls, and Snowy Owls. As requested.
A colleague of mine bands Snowy Owls. Nowadays he uses GPS transmitters too, to track their wider hemispheric movements. Science held, based on the science of dissecting owl pellets, that ducks were not a major part of the Snowy Owl diet. That ducks would disagree was yet to be learned by us. Using night vision technology back in the 90s, he observed Snowy Owls catching, killing, and feasting on geese and ducks with regularity. So, owl pellet dissection told a part of the story. What the Snowys were doing was eating the breast meat, a Snowy Thanksgiving, but not eating any of the rest of the bird! No bones ingested... to be detected in the owl pellet.
Snowy Owls, Gyrfalcons, and Polar Bears. Ice is both a problem and a way of life for them, evolutionarily speaking. So warming is an issue, with lots of science pointing to the northern progression of competing species. Also diseases, previously unknown to them... as like the diseases we brought to the New World, unknown to those natives.
Duck Commander.
Here's a quick sequence of images I captured, as a Snowy Owl goes in pursuit of the aforementioned ducks. This is a young female Snowy, hatched the previous summer and hardwired to the chase of ducks out on an open ice flow.
This pelagic lifestyle of (young) Snowys, Gyrs, and Polar Bears is key: threatened and diminishing.
I am fortunate to have students of mine these days handling and banding owls (and hawks) with their students... I get "invited" to visit, as that old guy.