It's a requirement if one wishes to sell products to the people born in the se3venties and eighties or later. These youngsters weigh social positions when determining what and where to buy.
Thanks Warren. I haven't been called a youngster in forever. Makes me want to put on Star Wars pajamas, make popcorn on the stove, and watch Jaws. :clap:
There used to be laws against dodging taxes and doing evil. Now, anyone who takes the Constitution to heart and believes in the freedom of the American Dream is labeled PC or a Social Justice Warrior for speaking out against oppression. I would love to not talk about politics. But, there are harmful chemicals in the water, air and food. Our planet's plants and animals are going extinct at a rate comparable to when the dinosaurs were killed off. I have to work two jobs to make rent and pay MY taxes while morons inherit unearned wealth without being taxed and are set for life. Politicians don't care as long as Wall Street and too big to fail corporations are happy making their little wars and profits. We are hurtling through space on a wet rock in an entirely hostile universe full of asteroids, comets, X-ray blasts from neutron stars, supernova, black holes and rogue planets while anyone who actually CARES about the life on Earth being preserved is called names like we are in a third grade classroom instead of a rare biosphere.
People say, "If you don't like America, why don't you leave?"
Well, I don't want to be a victim of its foreign policy.
Sorry about the rant. :roll:
I just hope for the kids' sake that Iron Man's tits look great. :rofl: