In shopping around to find some tobacco i enjoy smoking, i have found a few that i like in an actual pipe store.
I was wondering just how many of you actually just STOPPED smoking anything OTC? Maybe there are some that are a good flavorful smoke that I havent found yet.
At this particular moment, now remind you I am very new to smoking a pipe, I cant seem to get my self to even try anything else OTC anymore. Hopefully there are some dang good ones out there.
Just trying to learn as I go along.
thanks again
I was wondering just how many of you actually just STOPPED smoking anything OTC? Maybe there are some that are a good flavorful smoke that I havent found yet.
At this particular moment, now remind you I am very new to smoking a pipe, I cant seem to get my self to even try anything else OTC anymore. Hopefully there are some dang good ones out there.
Just trying to learn as I go along.
thanks again