Ordering From L.J. Peretti: What Should I Try?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 3, 2013
I've decided it's time to finally place an order with one of our oldest tobacconists. I'm looking to try 4 or 5 blends that exemplify what they have to offer. I'm especially interested in hearing what blends others have enjoyed as I curate my sampling. So far, I've decided on:
Cuban Mixture


Blend # 333
As you can see, I have a few "vacancies" on the list. Any other "must try" blends?



Feb 15, 2015
Here are my last two orders, from Friday and Sunday, like them so much had to double down with the 15% off sale:
LJP Tobacco - Flake - Cambridge Flake

LJP Tobacco - English - English 110

LJP Tobacco - English - Oriental No. 40 - 8 oz

LJP Tobacco - English - Royal - 8 oz

LJP Tobacco - English - Tashkent - 8 oz
The paint-can tins and handwritten labels are more than nice touches, they represent pride and quality of service.



Mar 22, 2014
I cut and paste this from my Tobacco Cellar app. These are my favorites (in no specific order):
Thanksgiving Day Burley Based Burley, Virginia

Century English Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia

Blend D-7485 English Orienta/Turkish, Virginia, Latakia

Smith's Own English Orienta/Turkish, Virginia, Latakia

Cambridge Flake English Orienta/Turkish, Virginia, Latakia

Blend D-9575 English Burley, Virginia, Latakia

Cuban Mixture Cigar Leaf Based Burley, Kentucky, Cavendish, Latakia, Maryland

Blend W Burley Based Burley, Latakia

No. 8 Slice Virginia/Burley Burley, Perique, Virginia

Blend No.1072 Burley Based Burley

Omega English Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia

British Blend English Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia

Oxford Flake Virginia Based Virginia

London Flake Virginia/Perique Virginia, Perique

Park Square Virginia/Perique Virginia, Perique

BPC Burley Based Burley

Royal Blend English Virginia, Oriental, Turkish

Blend D-9507 Oriental Oriental/Turkish, Virginia

Tashkent Oriental Latakia, Turkish

Blend No.500 Cigar Leaf Based Virginia, Perique, Oriental, Cigar Leaf

Blend No.333 Burley Based Burley



Feb 27, 2015
I prefer 1072 to 333 personally. My other favs are Oriental 40, Tashkent and No. 8 Slices



Oct 14, 2014
Good for you GT! Nothing to add, these boys have this one well covered.
Jack said:

The paint-can tins and handwritten labels are more than nice touches, they represent pride and quality of service.

Charming, yes. If you go in person you'll be feeling scorn rather than pride if you make the mistake of asking for anything other than one of their blends! World class surly.
Edit: I lied. Somerset Slices.



Feb 15, 2015
"If you go in person you'll be feeling scorn rather than pride if you make the mistake of asking for anything other than one of their blends! World class surly."
That is too bad. Doubt I will ever visit, but I love old school customer comes first, "what can we do for you" businesses.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2014
I'll second the Tashkent, for sure.
Last time I was there, I bought some of their Scottish Flake on a whim. I don't ever hear it mentioned, but afterwards I saw that it has glowing reviews from a few trustworthy reviewers on Tobacco Reviews. I've only tried a few bowls of that, and my first tin of Dark Star to compare. Definitely similar, but I actually might prefer the Scottish Flake!
Charming, yes. If you go in person you'll be feeling scorn rather than pride if you make the mistake of asking for anything other than one of their blends! World class surly.
Surly, maybe. Here in New England, we call that "old school charm," haha. The boss there is a man of few words, but he did go the extra mile to dig up a tin of Germain's Dark Flake for me.



Jul 27, 2014
Charming, yes. If you go in person you'll be feeling scorn rather than pride if you make the mistake of asking for anything other than one of their blends! World class surly.
That's not been my experience, though usually when I go there it's because I'm there for their blends.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 20, 2011
There are lots of good Peretti blends, depending on your own preference. For me, Cuban Mixture and Park Square are must-try's. I also really like Blend No. 432, Ebony, and Coffee Blend. While their burley blends are good, I personally find them a little too heady for my tastes. I'm not a big Latakia fan, so I can't comment on those, but I read tons of raves about Tashkent

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 3, 2013
Thank-you to everyone for the great suggestions. I just placed my order and might have gone overboard with my samples...

Blend #300

Blend #100


Boston's Best Cavendish

Cuban Mixture

Oriental #40

So much for picking only four - I got a little carried away. I look forward to trying them, and can post some quick thoughts on each blend if anyone else is interested.



Oct 14, 2014
Hierophant said:

That's not been my experience, though usually when I go there it's because I'm there for their blends.

Next time you stop by ask for a bag of Penzance or Stonehaven and just let the scorn wash over you. :rofl:
Dublinesque said:

Surly, maybe. Here in New England, we call that "old school charm,"

Hey, there aren't a lot of places were you can be treated to good ol' fashioned old school surly clerks anymore. I'll pick a place like Peretti's over an apathetic corporate shop every single time. It's good to be reminded that there are people that give a damn.



Dec 8, 2015
I've been in a few times now, as I work near by. First time I went in I told them I was newly back into pipes and the young clerk there suggested a couple of their blends and a couple of tins I might try based on what I told him I had recently tried and liked or not liked. The several times since they've also been very helpful and friendly, especially the day I went in middle of our last snowstorm. I think they were just glad to see someone ;)

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Oct 22, 2013
I can't recommend Royal enough, it's their blend I smoke the most. As well ,Tashkent, Dundee and D-9507 are excellent.
As for the Peretti store attitude, yeah they are a little surly, but go the extra mile to get you something you will really like.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
I've been monitoring this thread closely, as I too am interested in trying some different Peretti blends. A year or two ago I ordered 8 ounce cans of Tashkent, Royal, and Oxford Flake, but still haven't cracked any of them open. This past fall I bought two squares of their Thanksgiving blend and I fell in love with it. Just a real enjoyable high quality blend right there! After my Thanksgiving crush experience I've had it on my mind to branch out and pick up some 8 ounce cans of some other blends.
So far my short list includes Cambridge Flake, No. 8 Slice, and London Flake...



Jun 30, 2013
So I just received some #8 slice from an online order, it comes in long thick flakes, sort of between a crumble cake and a cut plug. I've smoked it once so can't really opine on it yet.


I also received some cuban mixture, which smells really good and spicy, I haven't smoked it yet.


Lastly, they had a special on some english blend 2 oz tins, which I thought was neat because the paint cans are usually only 8 oz. Being new to Peretti's I didn't want to go all in on a huge amount of tobacco I might not like. However, they aren't small paint cans (like I assumed), just regular tins that don't even seem to be vacuum sealed. I know the website doesn't say they aren't the paint cans, but it doesn't show a picture either. I feel a bit ripped off.




Feb 15, 2015
"I feel a bit ripped off."
I would not. I order a fair amount of bulk tobacco, and I would be happy that my 2 oz order did not come in a baggie. To me, that container is a huge upgrade from a baggie. Classy, in fact.



Jun 30, 2013
"I feel a bit ripped off." I would not. I order a fair amount of bulk tobacco, and I would be happy that my 2 oz order did not come in a baggie. To me, that container is a huge upgrade from a baggie. Classy, in fact.
Well, I do. You go on their website and every screen of bulk tobacco shows these pretty paint can sealing tins. I get two crappy tins with scotch tape around them for $20.
It is about expectations, and I hear so much about this shop, and their website looks so pretty and slick, so I guess I expected too much.



Oct 14, 2014
Sallow I totally get it. I would be kind of bummed too if I expected a slick vintage style tin similar to Capstan, for instance, and received a blank, unlabeled tin.
Despite the reputation Peretti's is a small operation. This is no Macbaran's it's two guys in a postage stamp sized shop. Unlike Capstan, this stuff is hand blended, hand packed and yes, scotch taped by hand. And those hands are not young.
Like a lot of micro blenders, the two ounces packages can do double duty with your kids pb and j. In that respect, using a tin, even a bare tin, is a just a bit special.
One thing I didn't mention earlier was that the surly clerk was so happy that I asked for some Tashkent that he doubled my order for free! I didn't even get a tin :rofl:
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blends.



Feb 21, 2013
I want to be treated well when I deal with a retailer. I try to behave acceptably, and I don't want the cold shoulder or reprimands for nothing. However, sometimes the proprietor just isn't gifted with people and you have to judge him on his product, or just avoid the shop or web site. My wife was one of the few journalists ever granted an interview with the man on whom Seinfeld modeled "the soup Nazi." He was a somewhat tormented guy who really went to extreme lengths to offer the best soup in New York City, which is a tall order. Talking to him, my wife could see his dilemma. He was an anxious, driven guy, all about cooking soup, with not so many human relations skills. So sometimes you have to take it into account and decide. If you are confidant and don't take the proprietor's troubles on yourself, and you want to enjoy what you know to be a good product, it's worth the aggravation. But it has to be truly good to make it worthwhile.

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