I'm not into rituals unless it is something really special. When I open a tin of McClelland, I take the time to savor the tin note for a bit. Then I smoke it.
MeTo me its all a ritual. New Tin Arrives.
1. I pop the top and listen for the hiss with a smile on my lips
2. Existing supply pop the lid, close eyes, inhale the savory sweetness
3. Dance fingers through tobacco or select and inhale a coin
4. Caress the pipe lovingly
5. Fill pipe with reverence while thanking God for this luxurious leaf
6. Admire the beauty of the lighter
7. Cross eyes during the charring light so I don't miss the embers lighting up
8. Tamp delicately and relight
9. Hold pipe in hand while puffing gently to coax ignition
10. First few sips ponder the pipe, the universe and my place in it.
11. Sit back puffing while enjoying the slight warmth under my nose.
12. Smoke pipe while pondering the female form, a 10 lbs bass, waves on the beach, sunset, moon rise
13. etc etc
14. Clean up pipe, place back in rack with care, lovingly select next tin from the harem for tomorrow.
This ^^^^Smoke your favorite blends in your favorite pipes as often as possible. You never know when you're last day will be
I didn’t know this was allowed! I’ve got a list of those I’d like to sacrifice. Dammit, so many wasted opportunities. ?Human sacrifice isn’t always necessary, but when the stars align the volcano is fed.
^^^ ThisNo rituals. I smoke what I want when I want to.![]()
I like the box.Me
1) Open tin.
2) Dump contents into a jar.
3) Throw away tin.
4) Fill pipe.
5) Light pipe.
6) Do yardwork, home/car maintenance, or go to work.
7) Dump pipe.
8) Clean pipe.
9) Toss pipe into box.
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