Oops! My Wife Saw My Customs Invoice

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
In a Canadian forum I am on, we actually ran a test and choosing the super save option pretty much resulted in a near certainty that customs would be levied.

Its hit and miss on that super saver option. Ive been dinged on single tins for about 35$CA, and untouched on boxes with a few 100g in them. But Peck is right, the only packages that have been dinged have been with the super saver.
Ive never been dinged on 4Noggins packages.
Curious what to know what Canadian forum you're speaking of?



Dec 5, 2016
OP -- I know your pain; and even worse, my wife would seem to be much less understanding than yours, which of course compounds the pain. Just a heads up, be very wary of discussing specifics on this topic my fellow Maple Leafs except through PMs. SEE-BEE-ESS-AYE monitoring on this public forum is possible... :puffy:
It was a rare pleasure to be among people who actually realized I was being polite -- in the U.S. that's usually regarded a submissive.
Has that been your experience? For me the reaction has been more of shocked surprise. People here in Oregon are pretty nice though. The further you go away from the cities you more you will encounter civility and displays of hospitality.
mso and tuold,
First, tuold, your perception aligns with mine as regards urban and rural areas throughout our North and down the Pacific West Coast. In fact, I find that folks on the NW Pacific Coast in general tend to view being polite as a virtue, not as a sign of weakness. The content, however, of what constitutes 'politeness' in certain specifics does seem to me to differ once I cross the border to the South. A specific example: in Canada, when a waitress brings us food and/or beverages, we are taught to thank. But the proper response in the States can vary more than up here in the North. Where we would invariably say, "You're welcome," in the US I often hear "Uh huh" or even just "yeah". In Canada we would consider that to be the improper form, at best just lazy. Yet it is seemingly not considered as such in the South?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2014
Ottawa, Canada
Ouch. Fell for you brother. I hope you didn't choose the "super saver" shipping option. My experience is that is a customs magnet. In a Canadian forum I am on, we actually ran a test and choosing the super save option pretty much resulted in a near certainty that customs would be levied.
This is interesting. If we take this statement to its conclusion, is it to say then that by paying a wee more in a shipping option, that lessens your chance of a shipment getting assessed? If so, that might be worth trying. I like doing business with SP dot com but detest the damn assessments that occur and the rise in blood pressure at the post office. I have to avoid stressful situations....doctors orders.....assessments are stressful.....maybe I can get a script from the Doctor so that I can waive further assessments being given to me? I digress; and kid.
But seriously....has anyone any experience from Canada buying tobacco and NOT choosing Super Saver and receiving it assessed?



Jun 5, 2015
10 50g tins and 4 100g

Standart amount for 2lb.
super saver option

If we are talking about SPC, you must remember that they attach bill of sales on the box. 4N usually does things differently. I think SPC is alone in the way they "prepare" packages. I would think that Priority and Express would attract more attention from CBSA.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2016
Three out of five shipments got hit by officialdom on the way here.

About $350 in taxes due at the post office tomorrow.




Jun 5, 2015
Well... One must realize that after 1st hit, any package addressed to the same name/address will receive extra attention.
Three out of five shipments got hit by officialdom on the way here.

About $350 in taxes due at the post office tomorrow.

I'd say keep your packages well spaced in time, obviously.

Any package coming from online retailer is most likely to be inspected.

In the end - still cheaper than buying in CA.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2017
Ok I am curious now. Does some online retailers gain more attention than others? My online orders have all been from Smokingpipes and using super saver shipping (which according to at least some members is more likely to attract duties)
My track record over the past year with the above method is roughly 60% of the packages getting duties applied, sometimes just a little, sometimes a hack of a lot.
I have twice ordered from the Country Squire and both times no duties.
If you are Canadian and use 4N, what has been your experience?



May 26, 2015
I've only been caught by customs once and it was $325.00. When I added up what it would have cost me to buy the tobacco here in Canada, it was still cheaper paying the customs. Now I never order more than 200gr and I haven't been bothered since.

The limit I think is 200gr. Anything over that they will charge the tax.



May 26, 2015
I use 4noggins exclusively. I used Smoking Pipes a few times but they always mark the package pipe tobacco. That will always get caught.

Rich at 4noggins will mark the package Pipe supplies or accessories.

And of course keeping your order smaller will help it stay under the radar. I figure I can order 200 grams more often. I'd rather pay the $20.00 shipping fee a for more times then get tagged by the Canadian tobacco Gestapo



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2017
Anything over that they will charge the tax
I used to think the same the, but a border agent told me that the 200g exemption only applies if you travel abroad for 48 hours and not for items shipped via mail. I have had single tins hit and large orders get past without being hit. Seems to be utterly random.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Great wife. My ex would have kicked my ass. Probably indicative of why the whole thing didn't work. :?

The more I hear about the taxes/duties paid in other countries makes me appreciate the relatively inexpensive tobacco available to us here in the U.S.

Dec 24, 2012
I used to think the same the, but a border agent told me that the 200g exemption only applies if you travel abroad for 48 hours and not for items shipped via mail. I have had single tins hit and large orders get past without being hit. Seems to be utterly random.
The border agent is absolutely correct. However, I still keep orders at 200g, not because of some magic of that limit but because the dollar amount declared ($50-60) for that amount makes it less likely they will levy duty (unless you choose the super save option).

Jul 28, 2016
whereas here (Finland)no matter what shipping option has been chosen every package outside of EU would go thorough sorting and if declared value of the goods is more than an approximate 35$ then you're likely to have a notification send to your domicile saying' You're having a parcel which is to be declared in 10 days,therefore we are urging you to go to the customs web-site and declare your parcel by yourself or as alternative you may choose to leave all this on us and we will do custom clearance on behalf with you for a nominal handling fee of $25'+ customs duties 24% sales taxes in addition)and as a result my $40 estate pipe from America shipped via UPS SuperSaver for$ 4 eventually goes into customs and the undersigned is having an additional payment of $10



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 8, 2017
I have frequented cigar forums for 20 years.... And the policies on all of them is a very strict 'no discussion about foreign shipping methods'. However I guess I must accept this is not a cigar forum, and that policy doesn't exist here, for whatever reason.
Folks, and more importantly we non-US residents - if you are openly discussing things of this nature, do you not think that authorities eventually see this kind of chat? Why give those who seek to destroy our hobbies a free hand??
Talk about being disgruntled.... Talk about being aggrieved.... but for goodness sake don't talk openly about what methods you used to get one past the man.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 30, 2016
Every day I feel luckier and luckier to have found my wonderful wife. She heard me groan from the next room over when I heard the McC's news, asked me what was wrong, and then immediately said, "Order whatever you can get." I was way too late to get my top three tobaccos from them, but managed to get a few for future birthday months.
My wife; she's a good one.


Briar Baron

Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2016
The Aussie system is very similar to the Canadian one, actually I think our customs fees would have been more on that amount of tobacco.

Even after paying that in your case though, in time, you will probably see it was a good investment. Also I find things from left field such as unexpected car repairs etc etc blow the budget much more than costs related to our hobby.

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