Oh man... this is gonna suck. But you pulled the Christianity string and now I am obliged to encourage and uplift my brother in the faith if he does truly confess to be as such. The scriptures tell us believers to hold one another accountable and to gently restore one another back to our kingdom if there is perceived to be a wrongdoing among us.
Please read this in it's entirety, pause, take a deep breath... and then have fun with any rebuttal or comments you feel necessary. Let's just be the ladies and gentlemen our hobby claims us to be and not be overly rash. :
Bhpdrew, you claim to be a believer, and so that's the only reason why I feel the need to comment here, otherwise I'd avoid it like a plague. I'm here to talk pipes and leaf, and I really like this forum. But you mentioned having killed others while in the US army and while I can understand why folks deem that heroic for some, and I believe that at times it can be... it is not becoming of anyone claiming to follow Jesus. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies. He said to bless those who persecute us. He said to turn our other cheek to the one who strikes us. Paul said to give our enemies a glass of cold water when they are thirsty, and in so doing heap burning coals on their head because of the surprise of being lovingly served by those who stuck us down. Paul also said many times that we are not to use weapons of the flesh but weapons of the Spirit. My point being that carnal violence is not becoming of those who profess to give their allegiance to Jesus.
And there is where the main point is I think: Those who profess Jesus are professing a citizenship in the Kingdom of God, and as such, allegiance goes to Him alone. Birthplace usually determines citizenship, and we've been born again into the Kingdom of Heaven. So we cannot be Christian and American by citizenship any more than we could be Iraqi and American... because the the Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdoms of the world are at war with one another. And Jesus also said that we cannot serve two masters.
So it is impossible to give our allegiance to Jesus and the US at the same time. Jesus said that friendship with the world is hatred towards God. Because we can't serve two masters. If so, we would hate one and love the other as Jesus stated. Which is unfair to both masters.
So if you feel the need, then pick one... but please don't continue to try and do both. because it gives both a bad name. And that is usually the biggest thing that those who aren't Christian hold against those who are... hipocracy (and think I spelled that wrong). Christians who do the opposite of what Jesus teaches. I desperately and lovingly hope you choose allegiance to Jesus, or at least think about this seriously before getting angry.
Again, this only applies to those who are Christian. I in no way am bashing those who serve the US or its military so long as they aren't christian. I think it's right and good to serve your government. And if you're American than serve the US, if Christian then serve God. I think those churches mentioned above by aussielass are absolutely ludicrous as well, and I am SO SORRY for that. That is not Christianity folks. That's a bunch of confused and angry people.
As one last point to encourage, and the one thing that really got me convinced of this, look at early Christianity. Any history will tell us that the first 300 years after Jesus, the church was completely non-violent and wouldn't even let someone in the Roman military be baptized unless they agreed to lay down their sword. Something very akin to going AWOL in the Roman culture and often worthy of execution. Believers were under heavy persecution and yet didn't retaliate but often went singing to their deaths by fire, flaying, crucifixion, beheading, or being eaten by beasts in the Colosseum as part of the Roman games. And it was said by emperors who tried to rid Rome of them that they would kill one, and ten more would rise up and confess from seeing such love and commitment displayed to their King Jesus. Sad thing is, when Constantine came into power and suddenly professed belief and legalized, and then MANDATED Christianity throughout the empire, the church fell to rubble mostly as the first "Church and State" was birthed. Those who wouldn't be baptized in the name of Rome and Jesus because they were already baptized in Jesus' name were killed or driven off to outlying Europe. And then even Martin Luther ended up killing a good lot of them off to get the Catholic church off his back and save his skin. It's a long and bloody history with most bloodshed coming from those who called themselves Christians. But the first 300 years or so is filled with amazing accounts of Christianity like most can never imagine. Their love for brother and even enemy is enough to just about move anybody who thoroughly reads their records to tears for want of such a society in the world today.
I'm not bashing anyone in any way... I love this forum and all the odd folk on it. I'm just trying to clarify some stuff and maybe help out a brother or two who might have never heard this before.
OK... I'm done. Let's talk tobacco and pipes. :