I'm not going to tell you my life story.. it's boring after all I'm also not going to be as harsh as some others. But here are a couple of pieces of wisdom."
Who's been harsh, prey tell? Wisdom comes from experience, far more than so than anything else imo, so here's another snippet of my life story, err "wisdom", sorry to bore ya'll, but my wisdom tells me to inspire and/or enthrall this kid instead of simply giving material things after reading his posts...
Uber, I was living on a small farm with my fiance and my 13 week old baby. We had demolished the tiny farmhouse cottage and were renovating it - it had no windows, no doors and virtually no roof and no kitchen ...we were blissfully happy and my wedding dress was being made. Saturday morning we went to my Dad's farm to test ride a quad bike for him - David never came back from that ride, it crashed off the bank down into the creek below that was about 4' deep, landed on top of him and he died after 40 mins of CPR whilst the ambulance got lost 3 times.
Now, I had absolutely NO money, not a single cent, a house that was just a shell, exposed to the elements and no-one to help, no-one to turn to, no insurance and no income. I borrowed $7k from my dad and went to every junk and salvage shop buying old windows and doors for a song dragging them the 100 miles home, a fry pan instead of a stove and a year's supply of tissues. I left the baby in her rocker, got up on that roof and drilled in every tech-screw myself and siliconed each one once it was in. All the while the sun kept moving and that baby was fried until I would climb down and move her again and again, howling and sobbing the whole time.
After 6 months when the house has at least semi-weatherproof, I went and started a wheelin' and dealin', buying and selling business with a girlfriend, but I was still howling and sobbing all day every day for my lost love and always over
the real cruel fact of life and the cards it had dealt me. We made more money than we could spend, we 2 x single mums who were doing it tough, real bloody tough ... hell, we could even eat real meat again a couple of times a week!
Fast forward 21 years to now ... my best friend, ex partner and father of my 11 yo son who lives in the apartment next to me has just been having bone marrow tests and such (only something they do when they suspect a critical medical condition). All we have, besides a massive mortgage, huge credit cards debts etc. is health insurance, hallelujah for that at least!
Moral of the story - when the going gets tough, the tough have got to get going, pull their head out their ass no matter how hard and hopeless things seem, to be and do whatever it takes to get ahead of the wolves wanting to take a piece of them and what they work for.
Look forward to your future instead of allowing yourself to get trapped in this overly obvious "poverty mentality" .... you have your whole life ahead of you, but you sure as hell never know how many hours, days, weeks or years that may be given to you. Every day you spend miserable and wallowing in self-pity for whatever reason is a day that brings you closer to death, and you never get that miserable day back to turn it around. Money is the VERY LAST reason anyone should let themselves get down and out about - it's out there just waiting to be made, you just gotta find the inner strength and then use every ounce of energy & wherewithall to go after it. Are you man enough?
That ain't harsh or tough, it's fact, and it's life (not a sad fact at all), live it boy, live it!!!